Mine Bitcoin directly from your computer

in #mining6 years ago

Did you think mining bitcoin required high technical skills, alot of money and power bills that is sky high? Well, to get rich, you probably would need that.

But for us that just would like some almost free satoshi every day, we can use easy-to-use miners like Honeyminer.
I've been testing it for a few days,


It was pretty easy to install, two seconds to make an account and I was ready to earn my satoshies. On the computer I am using I am running a Nvidia GTX 960, not really powerfull but it works for gaming and actually easy mining.
The miner application started running at once and doesn't really slow down the computer as much as NiceHash application does.
It seems as you mine, you will increase in levels by getting XP-points, the higher level you get , the more rewards you will receive (+ the satoshi that you mine).

The interface is awesome and flat-designed (this image shows it running with more power btw)


If you would like to try and get 1000 free satoshi for pretty much nothing, sign up by clicking this link and you will be rewarded with that:

Payout is pretty easy and you can mine on different computers by logging into the same account. There is also an option for mine only when the computer is not used, so when you are ready to use the computer for work or gaming, the miner will pause until you leave the computer idle again.

Awesome application, will have it run for a month to see if it's worth it!
Have you been testing this or other mining softwares as Nicehash or Minergate? Tell me by replying!


I really do not know about mining , but I will try with this app. Thanks!

That's the really cool part, you would not need any other experience with a computer other than using an application (like your internet browser). I love when people makes hard things easy for anyone. Good luck, tell me about your first time experience when you got it! :)

I wouldnt use any mining software on my main computer though.. it puts high stress on your hardware and you get minimal returns.. but of course you could use a spare machine for that.. but even then i do not think that the "ROI" will pass the electricity bill. Atleast not in Norway.

Thank you for the feedback. I've calculated on this myself and it will only be profitable for me if I only use the GPU, you can disabled the CPU-mining as the CPU is more vulnerable to that high usage. The GPU furthermore should always be able to handle this kind of active usage. Still tho, thanks I can see what you mean :)

Hei, har sett på en del forskjellige, er dette den beste du har funnet?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hei! Denne gir deg mindre valuta da de tar en del prosent i "fee". Vil enda anbefale NiceHash mineren om du kjører fra PC. Det som er litt gøy med Honeyminer er at du får epostanbefalinger på anbefalte drivere, f.eks fikk jeg vite at om jeg nedgraderte til en versjon på GPU-driveren så får jeg bedre resultater.

Hei, kanksje du kan hjelpe meg litt... Jeg er ikke den beste på pc. Jeg har lastet ned litt av hvert på pc men får liksom ikke helt sving på det mining greiene...
Lastet ned minergate og multiminer. men synes ikke det virker som om det gir noe i det hele tatt. min pc er en msi gl62m med geforce gtx1050.
må det noe programering til for å bruke nicehash?

Nicehash er kun et program du installerer også kjører den alt av seg selv når du klikker start.

Da har jeg fått den igang, jeg som trodde jeg skulle få litt valuta ut av data'n, men neida her er det 0,14 dollar om dagen... hum... Det blir jo ikk bra

Kjør denne før du starter mining i tilfelle du har mye rot på PCen: https://www.asus.com/us/site/graphics-cards/gpu-tweak-ii/

Nicehash vil nok gi bedre resultater. Minergate har jeg også prøvd, her virker det som det gjelder å ha en bedre CPU, derfor tror jeg Nicehash blir best for deg. Test 24 timer om du har mulighet.