Genesis Miners Unite!

in #mining7 years ago

You haven't received your payments.
You do not know how much you should be receiving.
The helpdesk sends you standard responses without reading your question.
You can not get a straight answer how long they expect they'll need to solve your issue.
You feel they are not taking you seriously?



As long as you are alone, you are very limited in your options. But as the ancient saying goes:
"Do not despise the snake for having no horns, for who is to say it will not become a dragon."
The little things that you can do may become a huge thing if enough people join you.

Genesis Mining has not been honest with us.
They have never been transparent in their operations while we legally own shares in it.
Their helpdesk is a joke and from the looks of it, so is their IT-team.
I can say this because I have a long track record in ICT both development and support.

Genesis Mining says they have paid everything up until 29th July
From what I have heard and seen, I suspect that every miner is still missing at least 1 daily payout for every coin that he mines up until the 29th. There are more than 500,000 people mining at Genesis Mining. Do the math and see how much money they are holding that legally belongs to us!
Their excuse "we have been hacked, so we can't pay" evolved into "BTC is forking, so we can't pay" but these are hardly valid excuses. You've been hacked? Then you should transfer MY money from your compromised system to my safe wallet.
BTC forks? That is of no consequence for LTC, ETH, ETC, DASH, and all the rest.

So what do I intend to do?

First and foremost: UNITE and let everyone know that we are uniting. That simple fact alone will give a strong signal to Genesis that they are doing something wrong and they should change their ways. DO NOT underestimate the power of this signal. If we can get a substantial number of miners then we are already winning! And we don't even have to fight. This is just showing our teeth.

Second: I have been collecting mining payouts for the month of July from Genesis miners. With that I want to make a spreadsheet in which you can enter your hashpower and mining allocation and it will show how much you should have been paid on every day. I still need some data to complete (many :( ) the gaps in this spreadsheet.
If you want to contribute send me for every payout that you received in July 2017: mining day, hashpower+type, percentage, payout.
For example:
July 1st, 200.15 MH/s X11, 100%, 0.03089703 Dash
Send it to [email protected]
Once this spreadsheet is reasonably complete I will publish it somewhere so that everyone can use it.

Third: Be present everywhere on social media. I'm not into Facebook but I hope someone else can pick that up. Same for Twitter. And if you have a Youtube channel and talk about crypto's, mention the UNION-BIT-MINER and refer to this post or later to Facebook (once that is done).

Fourth +: Anything you can come up with.
Send it to [email protected]

OK, great, how do I become a member?
If you are mining on Genesis, consider yourself a member and start promoting our cause. Let Genesis know in the last line of each ticket that you open "Proud to be a Union Bit Miner" or just "Member of Union Bit Miner" or something similar.
There are no fees, membership is free. Just promote our cause, don't be silent.
Any questions?
Send it to [email protected]

Want to set up a facebook page or something similar?
Let me know on [email protected] to avoid duplicate actions!

Now go and be proud to be a UNION Bit Miner!


The Union Miners in the first image are action figures painted by SpectreEliteGaming.
Just wanted to give him credit for the really amazing paint job that he did.


21 separate payments missing. Let's show them who the boss is;)

We will!
Only 21? LOL! I am missing 19, and I have some where the amount is clearly wrong.

Oh, ... don't forget to resteem!

So, you are going to show Genesys Mining, "Who the Boss Is," by making a comment on a post on SteemIt ?!?! Let me know how that turns out for you. ;)

Personally, I would go down to their offices with a baseball bat. We would not be playing baseball. Then I would be putting in my "support ticket." It would not require writing or typing, on my part. Some people would become acquainted with disappointment.

However, this would not be necessary for me to do - because I don't give away control over an asset unless I can already afford to lose it. I hope that everyone here will start to pull their head out of the posterior and learn from their mistakes. There is a very important rule of money to be learned here:

IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT IN YOUR POSESSION - YOU DON'T HAVE IT. Please remember this lesson, espescially in the cryptocurrency marketplace. Otherwise, you're going to get taken for a ride. Blockchain technology is a great thing - but it also attracts many scam artists, because they know how to exploit the less educated n00bs.

Craig Grant and Trevon James have already been reported to the FBI. However, the FBI has bigger fish to fry - like "terrorists" - for the time being. One day, these guys will probably be located in a dark alley by a disgruntled person who they have ripped-off in the past. That's a train-wreck waiting to happen. Don't be caught standing too near to the tracks.

The best thing you can do is unfollow them and disengage. Warn people about them and educate new crpto-enthusiasts about the proper way to invest in this kind of market. You don't give your money to people who are telling you all about how you're going to "get rich, quick." It doesn't work like that, despite what the scam-artists are telling you.

You're right, one should know and understand what he gets into. That part is your responsibility.
But when you enter a contract both/all parties should fulfil their end of the contract and it appears that GM does not take this too seriously. And that should change. They have half a million customers, bet you'll find a number of good lawyers among them. (and quite a few baseball players)
As long as you stand alone, they will screw you front, back and sideways, top and bottom.
Unite and the odds change in our favour.

I've said it to others, now I'll have to eat crow and say it to myself: caveat emptor. The lure of creating crypto currencies from the raw materials of time, electricity, processing power, blockchain tech, and thermodynamics was an alchemy I couldn't resist investing capital in. I was blind, new and enthusiastic. Hopefully, I've learned my lesson.

Don't forget that we have contracts. We have fulfilled our part, they will have to fulfil their part.
This is how business is conducted. Don't sit back and blame it all on yourself. What kind of attitude is that? If you'd bought a new car and paid upfront, and then the garage says you won't get it because of tech issues. Will you sit back and say "oh well, I hope I'll learn from this experience."?
(or you will demand your money back)

good post - missing my btc payments since one week - and: ALL the ETH - thats not good, guys!

That's right, no ETH and no ETC.

just received the btc (but don´t know if it is all since i completely lost "control") - but no ETH - strange, strange...

Very extensive, nice man :)

They haven't paid any of my Monero and 1 tiny Eth payment. This is bullshit. According to the mining records everything stopped mining on 2017-06-22.

Where did you get these records from?
(I'd very much like to see them)

Same here with Monero. My last payment was on July 18th. That's according to my wallet. I don't see any XMR payments at all pending or anything.

Steem never got paid out. As long as this option exists, it has NEVER worked.
Monero stopped because someone "felt" they would get hacked in 3 days....?
Problems accumulated and are accumulating quicker every day they do not take serious action against it. And they won't take necessary actions because they are completely incompetent.
Maybe Trevon tripped over a cable when he was there?
No... My best guess is that they weren't hacked. They are lying.

I'm afraid of that too. Right after I was confident and put tons of my crypto savings in there. I hope they pull through. But a 0.02 dash payment for 5 days is bullshit when you have a decent hash amount.

Listen to me you frickin' IDIOTS: Trevon James and Craig Grant are well known, long-time scam artists. They have been exposed, over and over again, for being scam artists. They keep on running their scams, and n00bs keep on falling for their B.S.

And now, this comment will be trolled by their paid followers, who are also a part of the scam - but they may not even be aware of it - because they are being lied to & they are still drinking the cool-aid... Put on your crash helmet - here come the Trolls...

Who gives a rats ass about TJ an CG? This is not about them, it's about Genesis Lying.

No payment again today, apparently they have more problems but we never know what it is. The only thing for sure is that we are not getting paid..... again. /resteemed

They are certainly not transparent!
Thanks for the resteem!

I'm thinking they have worked out an exit strategy because transparency is the hallmark of honesty. This is "fly by night" business practice.

I have demanded my money back. Poor support team tried to choke me with "technical issues" when I knew about the hack.

Luckily I have paid with visa, that might give me an edge.

First rule: don't lie.

The fact that you paid with a credit card gives you a very good chance to win!
But most of us did not or the money-back-period has already expired.... :(

GM should offer a full refund to anyone that asks for it. Unfortunately, if offered and accepted, they wouldn't be able to operate as a company because most people would take them up on a full refund. Myself included. Also unfortunately, I should follow my own maxim: caveat emptor or buyer beware.

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hello every one. i thought i was the only one getting screwed. up vote and

LOL! No man, there are over half a million getting screwed over by Genesis Lying.

I guess I can fly out to iceland and see what the problem is. I have 25k invested with them.

Seeing how much people have invested in Genesis Lying... it scares me... and it should definitely scare Genesis. People WILL go after them, some with lawyers, some with baseball bats. If I were CEO there, I would not feel very safe right now...

This is a systemic issue for Genesis Mining. All 500,000 of their customers are experiencing it. The vast majority just choose to suffer in silence and listen to GM Twitter lies. But the longer this goes on, the natives will start getting restless...

i have lost all faith in genesis mining's service , i found this website , looks alot more legit than genesis , atleast they show payouts on the blockchain, pretty simple and basic to use , slighty different format , but i can work with it , u can start earning btc for free , not much , but its more than what genesis offers atm

At this time anything, and I really mean ANYTHING is better than Genesis.

I think that most people who have sunk their money into buying mining shares have been swindled - straight out buying and holding crypto tokens, from the very beginning, would probably have gotten you similar, or better, ROI than you are now finding yourselves with.

At the very least, keeping your money invested into an actual blockchain token would provide you with more answers as to what is going on than you'd ever want to try and research.

I got into mining as an experiment to see how it'd work out. I know now that (even if Genesis catches up with my payments) I will not get my investment back. So I will not put any more money in mining.
See my results.
The second reason why I got in (or rather partly re-invested) was that I wanted some ETH but I thought the price was way too high. Mining provided an alternative way to get ETH.

Actually, getting involved in something - in a very small, low-risk way - is a perfect thing to do. You get a ROI simply from your own learning-curve and experiences. That usually costs thou$and$ in college or a real life experience - but mining can be great for learning the tech, the software, and the ins-and-outs of trading/buying crptos. That's worth a couple thousand, IMHO. If you're able to do it for less than that - so much the better.

Take my own experience with SteemIt. I was given 10 Steem to start out. Along the way, I invested $50 and a couple of hours a day, for about the last 3 months. I gave away 12.5 SBDs, to pass on my initial gift - and today my account is valued around $190. I'd have wasted that same $50 on games or social media someplace else, anyhow - so I really didn't invest anything I can't afford to lose. The last step here for me will be to power down, cash out some of it, and go buy & hold physical silver bullion. It's a small step, a small process - with some constructive income - if it ends up all working out like it should. That still remains to be seen. If it works - I'll repeat the process again, with a larger investment, and see how well that one turns out. I figure, if I take some small profits along the way - what have I got to lose? If either silver or cryptos go to the moon - or both of them - either way I'll be sitting pretty at some point in the future. Unless, of course, I get hit by a meteor.

I agree. I also hodl BTC and ETH. Cloud mining is just another form of diversification. Not all my eggs in one basket.