
in #minjutelast year


My statement is this: I'm impatient. Not always, but I'm an impatient writer, and sometimes an impatient reader. I can read pretty fast, and if I think I can continue understanding without reading every word, I'll start to speed read, gathering as much info as I can but without worrying if I missed something. This makes me a less-than-ideal note-giver. I need to consciously slow down. I'm on pg 25 of a 110 page script, and I stopped myself because I want to be thinking for the sake of my friend of all the things they wrote so I can give solid feedback

It's a funny, wonderful world we live in. Some folks strive to always feel upbeat. Even when they're sad about things. It's ok to be sad. and even to wallow in it a little. You can get out later, I hope, and if you can't, I'll be there with a hand to help you schlup schlup, extricate yourself from the mud of sorry

not sorry, sorrow