A Most Powerful Tool For Tracking Upvotes & All Comments From Current & NEW Followers So You Don't Miss A Thing. You'll LOVE This!

Here's A Most Powerful Tool For Tracking Upvotes & All Comments From Current & NEW Followers So You Don't Miss A Thing.

This is an amazing utility one to have in your Steemit toolkit. And you're going to love it (if you don't already).

As we venture deeper into our Steem journeys and begin creating larger commUNITIES, time definitely becomes a factor.

Time posting. Time following. Time learning. Time commenting & making new connections.

Time OUT!!!!!!


Anything that will save me time and allow my Steeming journey
to be more efficient I'm down with!

I'm down.jpg

So what is this magical tool you may be screaming at me?

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It's a "She" and her name is Gina.


She's Hot! She's friends with everyone. Almost too friendly.

And she'll do almost anything you ask without ever complaining.

Since we just met last week, I have not tested her actual physical abilities in person yet.

But behind the scenes she has delivered 100% satisfaction.


GINA stands for General Instant Notification Automaton and the GINAbot is a bot on discord developed to provide an amazingly efficient solution for the Steemit notifications.

Once I set her up in my place and told her what to do, she went to work non-stop delivering the goods.

I asked her for starters so we could ease into our new relationship if she would:

Notify me every time I received an upvote.

Notify me every time I received a new comment.

Notify me every time someone posted with a specific keyword that I gave to her.

Notify me every time someone new followed or unfollowed me.

Yeah, she delivered on every one of these requests 100% of the time 100% accurately.

So where can you meet and get set up on your first date with Gina?

I was going to re-create the fairly simple process I followed to get myself up and running by providing screenshots and a step by step process. Then I realized that I didn't save any screenshots when I went through the process as I was just immersed in getting it done.

Fortunately for anyone reading this, I came across a post from an amazing Steemian named @ilyastarar who put together a wonderful step by step on this.

A note before I share the link with you:

  1. You need to join the Discord server, so if you haven't done that yet, that is step one.

  2. The step by step instructions presented here were exactly what I followed, so if I can do it, so can you.

  3. Just take your time and be curious as opposed to intimidated or frustrated. Trust me, you're going to LOVE this and it may take you 1/2 hour to get going. If you get stuck, reach out and ask for help in Discord. **If you're intimidated or don't know anything about Discord, it's basically a "chat" forum app that was initially created for "gamers" to speak to each other on different "channels" while playing their playstation games etc. It's simple once you check it out and it works great. I've embedded the video here so you don't have to go anywhere. It's a 6 minute tutorial:

So, without further delay, here is the beautiful step by step for setting up Ginabot that @ilyastarar put together, so a BIG shout out to him. I am now following him as well because he's a solid and positive contributor worth connecting with. His tutorials and "how to's" are top notch. 🙏

Here's the link: **To stay on this page without leaving so you can access both pages, simply rt-click and you'll see this option:
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Click on the first one at the top: "Open link in new page".

This will open a new "tab" in your browser so you can keep the page you're on open as well to come back to. I use this a LOT each day in Steemit to check out new followers and voters so I can go to their pages, check them out, and decide to comment, follow, or upvote. It's a great time saver!

So here's the Ginabot "how to" instructions link: Trust me, you CAN do this!


That's it for this post. This utility has changed my Steemit experience for the better in a BIG way. Along with being able to keep track of who has upvoted or commented on my posts, I also am notified about new followers or people that just voted but DID'N'T leave a comment. Many of these would be missed without Gina. Because of this, I go to these people pages and I comment, upvote, and introduce myself. This has gotten me more "quality" followers and connections just in the past week. It will work for you too if you put out the positive energy. 🙏

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A special heartfelt shoutout to the following members in our community for their continued support, upvotes,
and contributions to positive content: @kenistyles, @artemislives, @lewisfjclarke, @heartjourney, @iamjamie, @iliasdiamantis, @eftnow, @kalemandra, @linksmolecules, @hungryhustle, @angelacs, @aldentan, @feelization, @paradigmprospect, @steemitboard, @karinxxl, @omitaylor, @lifeselfmastery, @hungryhustle.

Authors and artists get paid when people like you upvote their posts.

Thanks to our Steemit community for supporting, upvoting, re-steeming, & connecting!


A very valuable contribution, Jeff. Thank you!! Finding my feet and getting settled in my new space... leaving for Laos later today but will be steeming on the road. :)

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Nice one mate. Glad to see with multiple posts from fellow SMG that Gina gets a solid approval from us all. Steem on! 👍

Keni, guess who's in Thailand?

Where you at?

Come see me then, let me know when you in Chiang Mai we’ll figure this out.

Oh, now you're interested in 'figuring this out' or is this some sort of veiled threat? How exactly do you suggest we figure this out?