What's a minnow to do?


I wrote a big post yesterday, okay? A tremendous post. I gotta tell ya, it was YUGE.

But today I just want to keep it short(er) and a write quick post about where I'm at. No pictures, no memes and no kidding around (or maybe just a little).

So I've been active here for the past 13 days and have written 8 posts thus far (including this one). Not bad, right? And I'm not out of ideas yet, folks, buh-lieve me.

Now the situation is this: I'm finding it quite challenging to get more views.

Yeah, I know, I get it; you gotta promote yourself. But that takes a lot of time, that I would rather dedicate to write posts. Advertising is not my cup of tea. That's the truth of the matter.

Moreover (and do correct me if I'm wrong) I get the impression that being anonymous doesn't help. People want to see a face. And that's fine, I don't blame 'em. Who doesn't like faces? I love faces!

But my appearance is not relevant to the content I'm posting. Only my brain is. Want a picture of my brain?

Anyway. Maybe I'll change my mind about that someday. But for now, no pretty girl photos from me, sorry!

Well I'm not sure how to end this post, so I'm just gonna say this:

I like cheese.


I like cheese too.
Particularly wensleydale .