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RE: MIRA: Soft Roll-Out Begins!

in #mira5 years ago

Do you have an up to date comparison of full node replay with and without Mira?


I'm going to show it in Steem Pressure series.
Previous results were far from ideal, but a lot changed in the meantime. We will see.

MIRA performs amazing when the node is live, but it less than optimal when reindexing. We are working on a hybrid approach that will allow reindexing fully in memory for costly indices which will then be transferred to RocksDB after the reindex is finished. This will allow node operators the freedom of faster replay at the cost of more expensive hardware, or reindexing on cheaper hardware over a longer period of time.

How about creating snapshots of indexed checkpoints? Load them directly into RocksDB instead of having to reindex them every time.

We would like to do that as well, but sometimes snapshotting is not enough. We have had major security fixes in the past that could only be fixed via reindexing. There are different reasons to reindex. Getting a node up for the first time is the most common and makes sense to load from a snapshot. But in the case of a security vulnerability or a chain halt that requires a reindex to fix, we may not be able to wait a longer time to reindex. We realize that there is not a "one size fits all" solution, which is why we are looking at the hybrid approach and are interested in snapshotting.

we would have to trust snapshot party.. and thats not decentralized

[-]ackza (70) · yesterday
Yes ytou can fork steem but not like this, not from people like you :D ENjoythe downvote, its my little messasge from @themarkymark

did you tell ackza to downvote my post?


did you tell ackza to downvote my post?


sir @ themarkymark your question is outstanding . i think sir he have . am i right sir@steemitblog?