We will NEVER give up | Miracle Day 75- Spreading the Miracle for my mentor, friend and family; sir @flysky

in #miracle6 years ago

We are closer... do we stop? No way! Fight, fight, fight!

You are beautiful, you are my miracle. Positive outlook! Let's continue our journey in finding miracle.

Keep moving forward. Are we going to stop? No way. Share your miracle story! Miracle continues! You are a miracle to me

We are warriors, our faith is stronger than the strongest storm.

We should never stop believing in hope, because like many of you, I believe miracles happen everyday.

Do you mind sharing your miracles? I would love to hear it.

Life is tough as they say, but we have to be tougher. I always believe that our creator will never abandoned us. Our family and friends are miracle in our lives.

I am re-posting this for a friend of mine in search for a miracle for his daughter. Help me spread the words for miracle.








thank you







Todos compartimos un sueño que puede ayudar a alguien que conocemos en nuestro círculo en la vida. Estoy en el camino de la vida para preguntar si usted y sus amigos podrían compartir todos nuestros milagros en la búsqueda de un milagro para mi hijo y muchas otras personas y amigos en su situación. ¿te gustaría unirte a mí en este viaje por el universo de esquina a esquina de nuestro planeta? Me gusta la energía positiva de mis amigos y el apoyo en un viaje de mi vida. Estoy buscando para encontrar milagro para mi hija y muchos más que creen en los milagros? **
Mi hija nunca aprobaría mi puesto y gran parte de mí cree que su felicidad en el tiempo presente es lo suficientemente fuerte para su viaje.

Lets share our positive miracle stories. I believe in miracles and I am on my mission path to hear about your view on miracles.

Somewhere over the rainbow.jpg

**Thoracic spinal cord injury T1-T12

My daughter is 17 and she was injured in major car accident in 2005. She has incomplete spinal cord injury and can not walk on her own at this point

I believe that we all know or have someone in our circle that has some sort of injury or accident. This is nothing new to humanity. However we all have positive stories with miracles and some positive recoveries?

Together we can help our search for miracles together in form of story, video, book,text,..steem chat me anytime.

General Understanding your SCI .

Since the spinal cord coordinates body movement and sensation, an injured spinal cord loses the ability to send and receive messages from the brain to the body’s system that controls sensory, motor, and autonomic function.
Some of the resultant types injury go by the terms cauda equina, conus medularis, central and anterior cord syndrome, or Brown-Sequard syndrome.

Miracle 4.jpg

We all believe in Miracles - do you know of one in your town that could change the outcome of injury and help my daughter walk again. I am asking as a father and your friend.

We all share one dream that can help someone we know in our circle in life. I am on the journey and life path to ask If you and your friends could share all of our miracles in search for one Miracle for my child and many other people and friends in her situation. Would you like to join me in this journey across the universe from corner to corner of our planet?

I like positive energy of my friends and support on a journey of my life. I am looking to find miracle for my daughter and many more that do believe in miracles?

My daughter would never approve my post and big part of me believe that her happiness in present time is strong enough for her journey.

I have heard miracles are out there. I can only try to find it for her. If I don't try I will never know

  • I am part of publishing company and film making company and I hope my journey across distance together with all of my friends out there will have echo in our circle. This echo should be lighthouse to all those in dark that lost believe in Miracles.



Miracle Journey in search for last miracles left on our planet. Share with us your story.

Do you believe in miracles like I do.



Let us all join my friend's journey, sir @flysky. You can contact him directly or contact me anytime.

Thank you all in advanced.

This post is from sir @flysky. I am reposting it to help him find the miracle for his daughter. Credit to him. Thank you.

Discord channel: https://discordapp.com/invite/ymyb8CM


Whether it's poetry or maybe it's a poem and if it's an adage, I can not be sure. But this seems to me a poem.

But very good at this post, useful for the motive in it. Miracles come not without being intentionally but just coincidence. Very good post !!

Thank you for your kind words, my dear friend @elmicta. See you at #SteemSchools.