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RE: V for Vanished V - List of Virginia's Missing Children (November 2017)

in #missing7 years ago

It's all too real when you see the names. Those poor families.
I dread to think what has happened to them, it's a disgrace that this information isn't being broadcast on all the networks when you consider the shit being aired on the 'News' these days.
I sincerely hope everyone of them gets home safe one day but I know that won't be the case.
What a dreadful world we live in.


It's right to mention the #FakeNews @tremendospercy.

CNN are busy waffling on about an apple not being a banana, but are totally ignoring this?

These missing children should be making non-stop daily headlines. These missing children should be at the forefront of the news stream!

Something is seriously wrong here!

I've been quite shocked as well reading that and the fact that the only thing the news are talking about is politics, business and a volcano in bali...

It's quite sobering to think that this many kids have gone missing in a single state within a month.

It's beyond scandalous mate.
I'm fairly sure if it was any other country in the world it would be making headlines. Something is very seriously wrong here, I can only suggest that a very influential entity is up to no good. The numbers are too high to be coincidence and not linked in any way.
It must be a trafficking ring that has powerful friends in high places.

I think it's pretty clear that there's a child trafficking ring at work in VA and in all likelihood these poor children are being procured for elite pedos and blackmailing operations.

Unfortunately those high numbers are really supporting your theory. Let's hope it'll stop very soon!