Why Moksha Mantra?

in #moksha4 years ago (edited)

People look for information on wellness. They are interested in knowing the various ways to remain fit and healthy? The increasing interest of people in wellness is because of the various health problems associated with modern lifestyle. Stressful lives and reduced movement of the body are the two major problems at the root of modern diseases. Add to it the non-nutritious and imbalanced food we eat, and the problem becomes many fold. For these reasons, there is a need to move back and reflect on ancient practices, whether these are of yoga, meditation, pranayama or cooking of food to gain ancient wisdom about wellness. mokshamantra.com is a step in that direction.

What is Moksha Mantra?

Moksha Mantra is an online venture with focus on those traditional and ancient practices which are simple to imbibe in daily routine and are believed to be crucial for good health.

Moksha Mantra is part of the mission to promote right knowledge on ancient wellness practices through different instructional medium (articles, videos, presentations and info-graphics) and supported by scientific facts in its support.

What is LiFe ReBooT?

There is a strong conviction among the people that we have lost our way to wellness during the course of rapid advancement and this needs to be revisited for finding solutions to prevent occurrence of modern ailments. Diabetes, heart problems, blood pressure, gastro-intestinal issues, etc. are some of these problems which have direct relation with our altered modern lifestyles. If we have to get rid of these, then lifestyles have to change. This change has to come at the level of body and mind, because mental health is also important.

To further this objective, a LiFe ReBooT initiative under Moksha Mantra umbrella has been launched. This is an effort to revisit the past and embrace its well-being practices. Whatever we are doing wrong or in an altered manner as compared to past practices needs to be corrected. It has to be understood that human body has not undergone a change since thousands of years to be able to assimilate the new living habits without doing any harm to itself.

In order to bring about these corrections, LiFe ReBooT initiative has four-fold dimensions-

a) Deep, diaphragmatic breathing, called Prana Breathing
b) Movement, in the form of asanas or other daily activities that exercise various parts of body
c) Mindfulness, and
d) Cooking the food in right way, under Holistic Kitchen

It is a fact that most of us do not know how to breathe because we do only shallow breathing. Add to it the high levels of stress due to any reason, the issue becomes aggravated. Partially, the problem is that we do not have the knowledge of breathing correctly. Therefore, the concept and practice of deep diaphragmatic breathing has to be brought forth.
Movement is another key part of this initiative. This can be understood in terms of doing asanas in traditional way of yoga but also by way of adopting daily working schedule which involves bodily movement and exercise. Even if little light exercises are done throughout the day, these work to keep us fit and healthy.

Mindfulness meditation is the third element of this initiative. This aims to bring peace and stability to mind and allows it to have greater vitality and resilience in meeting challenges of stress and other disorders. This requires a person to just remain aware of whatever he is doing or thinking without drawing any conclusions. So, it is about being aware without being judgmental.

The last key component is that of holistic kitchen. Modern lifestyle has had biggest impact on our habits of cooking and eating food. Not only are we experimenting too much with food, we are cooking it the wrong way and eating in wrong manner as well. There is a need to go back to the cooking classes of the traditional Indian home cooking. This essentially requires using seasonal food, spices and herbs, right oils and traditional utensils made of natural materials. Eating right nutritious and delicious food and in appropriate quantity nourishes the body and mind. It also helps develop immunity in people to fight against diseases.

A series of informative and educative articles on these practices are provided on Moksha Mantra website for the benefit of all visitors.