in #mom6 years ago

This Mother's Day I had no idea what to get my mom. I know she's been trying to declutter her life, so I figured there wasn't much point in buying her something she doesn't truly want. So, I thought I would write this for her. Happy Mother's Day Mom! I love you!!! @steemed-open400A5732-750E-42F0-9E94-1BBF56DFA0DD.JPG

  1. Does Yoga- It’s really cool when I can tell my friends that my mom does yoga and owns a yoga studio. They all think my mom is really chill and has a go with the flow kind of vibe. Also, I think yoga is responsible for several other numbers on this list, so thank you for practicing yoga so much.

  2. Open Minded- This is one of the reasons I think yoga helped with a lot, but even before she got heavily into yoga, I think my mom has always been naturally open minded. She is never judgemental, and she never shames someone for being theirself. Watching her be open to everyone has helped me learn to not judge people. Even though I’m not as good as it, I know I’ve improved a lot from watching her.

  3. Generous- My mom always gives whatever she can. For example, I love makeup, and even though my mom doesn’t fully understand my obsession with it, she still lets me buy makeup I don’t technically need because she know it makes me happy. My mom is also very generous with her time. She’s always working on some project and barely has time to rest. By the end of the day, she’s always exhausted because she never takes a break.

  4. Is OK With Caring About Appearance- Several of my friends’ parents preach that you shouldn’t care what you look like, or it’s wrong to wear a lot of makeup. I personally love makeup and carefully picking out my outfit with all the accessories, and I don’t know what I would do if I had a mom who didn’t approve of caring that much about what I look like.

  5. Good Listener- If I ever have a problem I know I can always talk to my mom. I can tell her drama going on within my friend group, and she will always give me good advice. She does a good job of helping me and listening to my problems without getting wrapped up in teenage drama.

  6. Kind- I know being kind sounds like a super easy and basic reason, but I don’t think I’ve seen a kinder parent. What I mean by that is she always treats others with respect, even if she isn’t super fond of that person. My mom never gossips about other parents or talks bad about people behind their back. Some of my friends talk to me about how their mom doesn’t like another other mom or kid, and I can never respond because my mom just stays out of all the gossip and drama.

  7. Loves Animals- Okay, this one isn’t that deep, but I’m seriously so thankful that my mom loves animals. I also love animals and I couldn’t imagine my childhood without any pets. My heart goes out to people who have parents who never want pets or are allergic to animals.

  8. Supportive- I don’t think my mom has ever not let me try something new. Whether it’s a new sport I want to try, or a new instrument I want to learn, she always lets me try it out. Recently, I told my mom I wanted to learn how to play the ukulele with some friends, and she let me get one. I was honestly so surprised because I’ve wanted to lean a lot of instruments in my lifetime, and every single time I give up on it after a while. Hopefully I won’t give up this time. Thanks mom!

  9. Trust- I think my mom trusts me a lot. I don’t think she hides much from me to try and protect me, and I’m so grateful for that. I feel like I know more about challenges adults face and what the real world is like because my mom tells me about these things.

  10. Awake- Being awake is probably the number one reason why I have the best mom. She understands what personal issues she has and tries to see through them. She doesn’t ignore her problems or try to blame them on someone else. Her being awake has helped me the most I think because she has taught me that I need to be aware of why some things people do bother me, and I can’t blame them for bothering me. I’m the one responsible for not being bothered.


Oh. My. Gosh! I’m so touched by this!!! 😭😍😆😊🙏🏽 Thank you, honey, for the PERFECT mother’s day gift. For taking the time to think about 10 things and write all this out...and for the 10 things you’ve chosen to list. It’s is my joy to have you as a daughter. I think you know I feel this way, but I probably don’t tell you often enough. Thank you with all of my heart ♥️

Awwwww that's so sweet. I think it is the best gift a mother could get.
When I read the title I was like wow. I have to read it and you never disappointed.

I must say you are luck to have such a generous and caring MOM. May you both live always happy and keep loving each other.

That Yoga part is awesome.

Thank you! 💜

You are welcome dear.

Hey I am just curious, how do your friends react to your mom? Like what they say and do you flaunt in front of them :P ?

All of my friends say that my mom is the ‘cool’ mom because she’s so easy going. I try not to flaunt, but sometimes it probably comes off that way 😅

wow amzaing post @claraking i have created the post on you and about your mother kindly visit my blog please

You are such a sweet daughter, I like point 10, at some point you realize that If you don't see people as annoying, the bothering stops. But I still struggle with that :)

Beautiful gift. :)

I think you're following along nicely in many categories including generosity. @corinnestokes and I had such a wonderful time in PR in part because you were so generous with your time watching the kids. Thank you!

I had some exchange of comments with your mom and I can clearly say that she is open minded. You said that the fact that she practices yoga is responsible to other qualities that you love about her.
In my mind "being open minded" is the first thing towards yoga, otherwise you can't fully see its potential, but there's always different perspectives. That's why we're individuals.
Nice thing of you to dedicate her a post and I can only congratulate you for having such a great mom and her for having such a great daughter.
Happy Mother's Day!

I like you prospective on being open minded first. I agree with that, I think my mom has always been very open, but she has become even more so with yoga.

Well, yoga is the third eye opener and there's no wonder that your mother is exploring even more this quality of a yogi. Even her Steemit user name @steemed-open is pointing that.
I had my constant yoga practice for years and I know what it means. Now I'm a bit lazy and I "embrace" the yoga mat not very often... Probably a few times a month. But I know how it is to have a daily practice.

Welcom back dear @claraking we miss you 😙

This is lovely... I'm sure mom loved it too.. The photos are gorgeous

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There is no blessing
quite so dear...
as a mom like you
to love year after year.
