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RE: A Choice Between Eating or Having a Roof Over Your Head

in #money5 years ago

When I was first starting out on life as an adult this was something that was taught to me by a bank/loan person. remember that 28% is from your pre-tax pay. After the taxes have been withheld from your paycheck, your take home pay is about 28% lower. So at $1000.00 pre-tax pay take home pay is $720.00. Now if you take $280.00 from that you are left with $440.00 to live on. That $440.00 is what you have left for a car payment, telephone, internet, entertainment, food, and any other insurances like medical, car and dental. So really not a lot out of that initial $1000.00 take home pay is going to be left to build a savings/retirement account or school account for kids.

Most people in the USA are living paycheck to paycheck, nothing left for savings, nothing left for rainy day funds, because they spent more than that 28% on a house or even worse they spent more on a vehicle.


In Libya as well. Though our salary is already much lower than USA.

Most people in the USA are living paycheck to paycheck, nothing left for savings, nothing left for rainy day funds

Seems like the world is going downhill.

The sad thing is even those who save and played it safe suffer! Pensions are stripped apart by some governments we saw it in Greece and they want to do it here too where they force pension funds to invest in government bonds so they can access the funds to try and prop up the failing state and pretend to be solvent

Truely sad...

There used to be more choice when one went to the store, it did not matter if it was for groceries, or for music, or for electronics, now the choices are being made for us the consumer by the large mega companies. There towers of babel will fall apart one day.

Advertising sucks...

Choice in the modern world is all an illustrious these large corporates are all in cahoots in any case they just present as if they’re options but the money flows mostly to the same pockets!

It’s all a Fugazi,otherwise they wouldn’t be doing all they can to stamp out small business which actually offer people choices

I actually read something on I think it was the Kaiser Report on Russia today and they said 73% of Americans live pay Cheque to pay Cheque!

Like I can’t even get my head around it, like it’s supposed to be the land of abundance and wealth and milk and honey and opportunity or at least that’s what’s we’re sold here!

I mean if the US is in that state and UK is sitting with brexit and the Euro zone is going negative on interest rates is there any place that’s safe anymore

I don't know about safe any more. You have the hide behind a desk and steal everything from people type's, you have the two legged muggers and take everyone's candy baby or not, then there are all the other animals that may or may not get you, like lions and tigers and bears. If it was not for all the invisible tiny creep you out kind of killers in Africa, I think a lot of people would move there.

The so-called first world nations of America and Europe are not pleasant places at times. Still even with the problems, something must sit right with them; other nations and countries must have a lot more issues than them for there to be so many wanting to get to those locations. Me I don't get it, I keep waiting to hear about reverse migration/emigration from out of the first world countries.