How I Saved Huge Money Every Month (and You Can Too!)

in #money2 years ago

If you want to save huge money every month, it’s as simple as deciding not to spend your money on
small things that don’t matter in the long run. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to live paycheck
to paycheck—what fun is that? If you are serious about saving big money every month, there are some
very simple strategies you can use to make that happen, regardless of what your income level happens
to be. Here are three ways I saved huge money every month and how you can do the same!

While people tend to focus on individual expenditures when talking about saving money, it’s important
to take a big-picture view of your finances. Do you know where your money is going? How much debt do
you have? What rewards programs are out there that can save you money in different areas of your life?
Did you know that there are online businesses that can actually help get rid of debt, lower your monthly
costs and lead to real wealth creation for those willing to work for it? Did you know that there are new
and exciting ways to invest, like cyber currency and NFTs?

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How I Saved Money Every Month
I saved money every month by increasing my income, decreasing my expenses, and creating wealth.
Since I was working a day job as an Ecommerce Manager in Colorado Springs, CO during that time, it was
tough to save much at all. However, through decreasing my expenses and maximizing what little money
we had left after bills were paid each month, we still managed to create wealth.

Moving in With My Partner
One point that many folks don't talk about is financial hardship within a new relationship. For instance,
some people are hesitant to move in with their significant other because they’re afraid of losing financial
independence. However, there are many ways to keep your personal finances separate from that of
your partner. First and foremost, don’t combine bank accounts or credit cards unless necessary.
Second, make it a rule not to use each other as an ATM machine when you run out of cash—because
you will.

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Making Cuts to My Expenses
We’ve all heard that to be wealthy, we have to spend less than we earn. This is easy for some, but for
others, it can feel like a major sacrifice. But to live happily and healthily on what you have now, you must
start making cuts in your spending. Here are three areas where I make big savings every month

1- Getting Rid of TV, Cable, and Movies
If you enjoy cable, your bill is most likely well into triple digits every month. At $100/month, that means
you’re spending nearly $1,200 per year on cable alone. That might be worth it to some people, but not
to me. I decided to cut my cord and get rid of my cable—and now save nearly a thousand dollars per
year! Try some IRL (in real life) activities, such as having some friends over to play a board game or
cards. It is amazing how much fun we can have when we are not staring at a box or our phone.

2- Cutting Down on Shopping and Buying Stuff
It may seem easy to pick up some new habits, like drinking less or cutting out that once-weekly shopping
trip to Best Buy. However, it is very difficult to consistently cut down on shopping and buying expenses
without first deciding what you want your life priorities to be—what’s more important: that money or
all that stuff? Weighing these costs will help you decide what’s really worth saving on in your day-to-day

3- Reviewing Your Bank Statement Every Month
When was the last time you reviewed your bank statement? Probably never or not in a long time, right?
It’s no wonder why so many Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck: They never actually see how much
they spend each month. Take some time to review your most recent bank statement and look for ways
to cut back on unnecessary expenses. Even small changes can add up over time! For example, if you
want to save money on gas every month, consider carpooling with friends or coworkers instead of
driving alone; it could save you hundreds of dollars per year! And be sure and look for charges that you
did not intend to incur, like phone apps that you thought were free, or a new streaming service that you
forgot you even had.

Finally, Respect Your Money
As far as a lot of people are concerned, it’s impossible to save money. This is absolutely false! It may
seem impossible, but it’s just not true. To be honest with you, saving money isn’t that hard when you
actually respect your money. If you don’t give your money any respect by spending more than you need
to and setting financial goals, then guess what? You will never have enough money because every dollar
that comes in is being wasted on something unnecessary. Make a serious goal to incorporate these
activities into your life for six months and I promise you that your financial situation will improve so
much that you will want to invite me over for a game of Monopoly!
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