How to get involved in Cryptocurrency while working a full-time job (Steps)

in #money7 years ago

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With all the money to be made in Crypto, don't be left out. Here is a quick guide on how to get in involved while having a busy schedule.

Learn the technology behind Cryptocurrency

             Cryptocurrency is not a revolution, blockchain technology is. Cryptocurrency utilizes blockchain technology for optimal and ideal peer to peer transactions. The more you understand about how blockchain technology works, the more confident you will feel in investing in technology that can change our future.

Research specific Cryptocurrencies

             Every cryptocurrency has a document called a whitepaper, which goes in detail of the functionality, purpose, and road map of the coin. Whitepapers are typically found on the website of the coin you are researching, always read the whitepaper before investing. Make sure that the cryptocurrency you are investing in answers the following questions: why use block chain technology, what are the use cases of the coin, and what problem does it solve. With nearly 1400 cryptocurrencies and growing it can be a little overwhelming to learn, is a great resource to use to view cryptocurrencies. 

Create a portfolio

           After you have read a few whitepapers and you understand the technology, pick a portfolio  of cryptocurrencies that you feel comfortable investing in, ideally 4+. Try to diversify with large caps and small caps, different technologies, and different country origination (ie NEO to China). Although going all or nothing into a coin can still yield great returns, diversity will supply stability to your portfolio. An example of a diversified portfolio is Bitcoin, Ripple, Neo, Metaverse, and Agrello.

Dollar cost average and buy dips

           Dollar cost averaging is a strategy in which an investor places a fixed dollar amount into a given investment on a regular basis. Set aside money you are willing to lose monthly or out of every paycheck to put into your cryptocurrency portfolio. Dollar cost averaging is one of the most rewarding strategies in cryptocurrency, all it takes is patience and discipline. The best time to buy in to keep your average low is to buy in on a dip. is a great chart tool to see real time prices and pick precise entry points. Have patience and discipline and you will be rewarded.



Great article, thanks for the ideas!

I have being investing and I have been lucky, I cannot agree more with your idea of having a portfolio for crypto so things get balance as far as value going up and down so hopefully you can always see your money going up, "never put all your eggs in the same basket"
thank you for sharing

What a great informative read! My husband and I are trying to learn the best way of going about cryptocurrency. I'll definitely check out!