The Fed Affect
Right before the Fed speaks, markets move in interesting directions. Powell spoke at 09:00 on these charts.
Gold caught a bid
Dow surges up
Dollar dives
10 year plummets & bounces back
Bitcoin is least affected
These are but a few of the assets that are heavily impacted by fed bs.
So just before the Powell Fed speech we get all this interesting action & big movement. Is this Traders positioning themselves on guessing what will be said or a whole lot of insider trades just before the all important guidance speech?
I call shenanigans
It's weird to see cryptos moving in lockstep with US stocks. I don't know why that is but it has been going on for weeks now. Could have to do with the USD since a lot of cryptos are bought and sold with them.
Consequences of a freshly deflationary environment perhaps. Or it is pure perception management to keep the herd away from crypto’s till after the crash. Probably combo of both & trillion other random things I can’t account for
It's either predictive programming or he is telling his friends to buy buy buy. TOTALLY sketchy.
I think they’re setting it up nice & pretty for the big heist. Should be coming soon to a market near you
Hey maybe we should just study rigged trends and make small profits lol.