Geo-Engineered Climate Disasters Keep Economy Strong (Episode 6)

in #money7 years ago


Hi, I'm Karin Hall with Chaos News.

Wall Street talking heads say the economy is 'red hot', unemployment has dipped to record lows, and a shortage of workers threatens to cause dangerous wage acceleration that could push inflation beyond targets set by the Federal Reserve.

The fact is, measured in real inflation adjusted dollars, the economy has yet to recover from the Financial Crises, and real 'inflation adjusted wages' have actually been falling, not rising, since 1973.

Firms like Shadow Stats, that specialize in providing truthful economic data, say the real unemployment rate is not the 4% our government claims, but rather a whopping 24%, and, as for inflation, the real annual rate is 10%, not the 2% government would like us to believe.

Without huge government transfer payments like Food Stamps, Section 8 housing, free utilities and Obama phones for welfare recipients, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and Disability for anyone claiming to have a sprained finger, it would quickly become apparent that the economy remains mired in a deep depression.

Hungry, homeless, desperate, jobless Americans would be lined up nationwide to get soup kitchen handouts, just like during the Great Depression.

More and more Americans struggle to maintain their standard of living by taking on record levels of debt, and while this temporarily papers over the ugly new reality, eventually the piper must be paid.

Parents must often work multiple part time jobs, while their adult offspring chat, text and play video games in the basement.

It is true that many employers are having difficulty attracting workers.

Workers who can read, write, spell, think for themselves, talk like adults, possess needed skills, show up for work on time, and not piss off customers or co-workers have been in short supply for some time now.

Public schools, colleges and universities have been churning out dumbed down, politically correct, drug addled, strung out, functionally illiterate morons for decades, and the results are apparent for all to see.

Despite record low interest rates, housing has become unaffordable for many, especially minimum wage, basement dwelling millennials.

As home sales faltered, it became apparent that something needed to be done.

Chinese immigrants with tons of cash have been allowed to pour into our nation, and while this has helped keep coastal real estate markets levitated, something more needed to be done for the rest of the nation.

Automobile manufacturers and dealers, who have been keeping their ever more expensive metal moving by financing anyone who could fog a mirror, have also experienced declining sales, further adding to pressures to do something bold.

The corporate owned government solution has been to unleash massive Geo-Engineered Climate Disasters that destroy existing infrastructure, thereby creating fresh demand for products and services.

Millions have been upended and some people even die, but isn't this a small price to pay when you consider the overall benefits?

You have to admit it truly is an ingenious plan, albeit Satanic.

While the deep state is most certainly engineering a total economic and social collapse, it's important to remember that they do so on a timetable that suits their One World Government agenda.

There shall be no wine before its time.

In the meantime, their recipe calls for increasing violence, race baiting, murder, mayhem, poverty, war and chaos, sufficient to stir the pot, keep Sheeple agitated, fearful and willing to accept, and eventually beg for more government control and ever harsher police state measures.

This double whammy of daily false flag events and massive geo-engineered climate disasters like the Houston, Miami and Puerto Rican Hurricanes, California Wildfires, Bomb Cyclone and Bomb-O-Genesis storms, seems to be doing the trick.

Car manufacturers and dealers get to replace the millions of vehicles that are deliberately destroyed.

Home builders and renovation contractors likewise benefit from repairing and replacing the millions of homes that are damaged, torched or otherwise destroyed.

Jewish bankers get to lend yet more money that they simply create out of thin air, and then charge usurious interest rates for.

Workers, albeit mostly Hispanic, eastern European and Russian immigrants, once again have good jobs and pay checks.

Major events like these can however severely impact the insurance industry, including specific insurers that could be overwhelmed by claims and become vulnerable to collapse.

Add to this, the Federal Reserve's artificially low interest rate policy, and risk to the insurance industry looms large, as its financial model rests upon a foundation of time tested actuarial data and stable, long term interest bearing investment instruments.

Today's low interest rate environment, combined with expensive back to back geo-engineered disasters, could tip this industry model upside down, with potentially catastrophic results.

Despite such concerns, the industry hasn't shown the least bit of anxiety, and why should they?

Congress passed 80 billion dollars in disaster relief, much of which is going to bail out insurers.

And, did you know that famed value investor, Warren Buffett, owns much of the insurance industry?

That's right, the same wonderful, grandfatherly guru whose Bank of America and Wells Fargo received billions in taxpayer bailouts during the Financial Crises, is now in line to receive billions more.

Buffett, often touted as a brilliant financier, is really just one more parasitic billionaire moocher, sponging off the rest of us.

Congress of course, doesn't actually have any money to bail out Warren Buffett or anyone else.

Our government is bankrupt... hollowed out... up to its eyeballs in debt.

Jobs created by geo-engineered disasters are of course only temporary, and massive new disasters will be needed on a regular basis.

Thankfully, we can count on Deep State Alphabets to provide a never ending parade of false flags and disasters.

It's win, win, for billionaires, and lose, lose for the rest of us, but after all, isn't that what Disaster Capitalism is really all about?

Our programming is controversial and may not be available on all media, so be sure to check non censored sites like bitchute, Gab, etc.

Chaos News does not advocate or promote violence, violent revolution, civil war, religious strife, racial discord, vigilante justice or unwarranted anti-Semitism.

God Bless America.

United we stand, divided we fall.

Contact Karin Hall here on Steemit @chaos-news or on Gab.

Note: This is the full transcript for our video on Bitchute which can be viewed here.

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On June 22,2017 THE CIA purchased WHOLE FOODS.
Natural means nothing...
LEAD PAINT..real reason it was banned
NANO TECHNOLOGY..protect yourself with a YELLOW LIGHT BULB...23:00 min mark

GMO FOOD now have an antennae inside your body
AMAZON exploiting people with deliveries by private drivers not USP...
misleading the people with words like natural with the assumptions of organics and they were not organic---sick vegans-tuity fruity--and videos a sparking with microwaves in the fruits-nanoinfiltration of the foods-terms of nano being inter changed -more then one way to see a release of nano in the foods--learn neutrality in the foods-lead paint and DE--bluebeam project already hitting you and accessing your brain--more...5G the internet of Things for Dummies.......YOU ARE TOAST!!!!
Nano is in the FOOD..Diseases are skyrocketting Alzheimer's,Autism,ADHD,Respitory Illness,Cancer,Morgellons