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RE: Let’s Talk About That Ugly Problem...Shall We?

in #money6 years ago

I’m happy that you followed your passion and turned it into something real and tangiable! It’s always heart warming to hear fellow entrepreneurial stories that are grounded in realism! There are way to many lies being posted on social media regarding how to build your own business!

I’ve been running my digital agency for 3 years now and have had my share of chasing up payments and clients that do not pay! Personally I feel this is a shortcoming of mine is quick to give up on getting unsettled payments and think that karma will sort it out and for the most part it has been the case and we continue to solider on but I know this can’t be the case for everyone! All businesses have diffent burn rates and cash flow requirements and all the additional admin to keep your books in order is a pain too! It’s improtant that business owners qualify and review their customers If possible. I know that unfortunate incidents like these are sometimes unavoidable but it shouldn’t sour your opinion tomorrow an amazing customer walks in and you build a great relationship that is not only financially rewarding but psychologically

One thing I do have to say That also erks me is if it’s the other way around the customer is quick to bad mouth your business, it really can be an unforgiving endevour at times!

I do still feel I would take these issues any day over going into a big corporate everyday and grinding away for a salary! I’d rather have the freedom to live and die by my decisions than give that up for fake stability of a monthly salary


Hi there fellow small business owner! Thx for the reply and insight. Yeah it's always tough. I truly appreciate my customers. I am friends with a bunch of them. This is just one of those things that kinda stink and comes with the territory. The main point I was trying to get across was to just have common courtesy as a human being. I used the story from the shop to try to push that point across. Ya know? Wishing you nothing but success my friend. Stay in touch as Ill be focusing a bunch on small business issues in upcoming pieces. @chekohler