
I do think money should be paid out to rent etc to make sure they pay for the basic living cost. Still I think a little bit left over if any should have some free choice

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes I agree it seems authoritarian to force money to be funnelled into certain areas but we can see from the studies people aren't using the money they get on constructive purchases. What I am hoping this would do is push people to think okay my basics are covered, now anything I need and want over and above that I need to work for to get. Perhaps a part-time job, start a little business which is good for not only the household income but self-esteem and gets people into the economy whereas now they are basically in self-exile

We clearly tried the system with free choice and it hasn't worked, well at least where I live so something new has to be put on the table

Fair point and it could be a great way to do it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Any basic statistics class teaches you that you can use "studies" to prove almost anything.