Have the major fiat currencies been moved to palliative care?

in #money6 years ago

There are some figures of speech tossed out about the US Dollar and the other major fiat currencies as they struggle along in 2018. Two of the most common are to say that: 1. The Dollar is dying; 2. The Dollar is in intensive care (or the ICU). These metaphors are getting crossed up a little bit.

The brilliant money finance and money expert, Rob Kirby, recently went down this road in an excellent interview with the x22 Report. Check out this great interview here. (https://steemit.com/dollar/@x22report/the-world-is-fractured-due-to-the-dying-dollar-this-is-the-end-game-rob-kirby). As usual, this is great work being done by @x22report and Kirby shares some amazing insights about the dying US Dollar. I would quibble with one bit though. At one point he mentions the dollar being in intensive care. Based on the rest of his interview about the death of fiat money, I would respectfully suggest that the USD is now in palliative care and that life support is only being continued until acceptance can be reached that it is time to switch to comfort measures only. (Pardon the overdoing of this metaphor).

It seems like some of these major fiat currencies are in a death spiral and they have reached terminal velocity.Perhaps they can be kept from flat-lining for now but they cannot be brought back. Maybe they won't all die at once and maybe they won't necessarily die in the manner described in many doomsday scenarios that have been published over the years. Perhaps cryptos and precious metals will provide for a somewhat smooth transition. What seems to be gone from the equation now is any hope of recovery in the current paradigm.

What do you think? Are the US Dollar and others slowly deteriorating or are they to the point where it is time to start saying some goodbyes?