Litecoin will go to 300!!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #money8 years ago (edited)

imageLitecoin has dubbled in price in 3 weeks time! My early prediction that Litecoin will reach 100 $ by the end of august almost came out yesterday it was at a all time high of 93$!!! I think by the end of the year will reacht 300$!!! I will explain why: it's the most constant coin of the top 10! It never droped like bitcoin or ethereum did! It has the same statistics like bitcoin had in the begining of the year when nobody tought it will go to nearly 5000$!!! The cryptocurrency market draws alot of atention now and the investors will look for somerhing secure an constant to invest in, lite coin is one of the most constant cryptocurrencys around if you analise the statistics! So that 's just one of the reasons why. If you agree or disagree please comment resteem!!! And upvote!!! Lets share info so we can geow togherher !!! And profit from this market that it 's only at the begining of hes


LTC is being more and more known.