Bitcoin Hulk Smash Through $1,900 And We Answer Our Critics

Bitcoin gained over $100 on Thursday to smash through $1,900.
A year ago, bitcoin was trading at $442 meaning it has risen more than 300% in the last year.

And, bitcoin has now surpassed the $30 billion level of market capitalization. Its all-time market cap chart looks surreal.

Because we’ve been the only financial site covering bitcoin since it was $3 in 2011, our audience has grown dramatically and along with it have come lots of critiques, haters and internet trolls.
On Youtube, where we posted, “<a href="

If you are like me and didn’t know what Mammon means, here is a definition, “Mammon /ˈmæmən/ in the New Testament of the Bible is commonly thought to mean money, material wealth, or any entity that promises wealth, and is associated with the greedy pursuit of gain.”
So, this person says that I am obsessed with wealth and that everything revolves around bitcoin to me.
This person clearly doesn’t know me at all. Everything doesn’t revolve around bitcoin to me. I do, however, think it may be the best chance to get rid of the parasites who have enslaved humanity and for that reason, ya, I talk about it quite a bit.
As for me being “obsessed with wealth”, you must not be following my personal Facebook page or my personal Youtube videos where I talk daily about how I am a minimalist and how I don’t desire material objects and how I have been considering becoming a monk and living in the woods in China where I can meditate all day.
Or how I told attendees at our last TDV Summit -- to kick off the entire financial conference -- how money doesn’t matter and will never make you happy and how true happiness comes from within and from your complete physical, mental and spiritual connection to God. Or, my recent video entitled, “Everything Worth Having In The World Is Free Including Food.”
Considering my main business is providing financial information and analysis to people via our newsletter, I’d say I am quite the rarity in that I often tell my clients how money won’t make them happy. In fact, a sizable part of The Dollar Vigilante is now called the Health Vigilante where I talk about things much more important than money like your own physical, mental and spiritual health.
That said, as I often say in the videos, money can be useful… and if you do what you truly love you will always be rich.

If you haven’t been following The Dollar Vigilante for the last few years, we began to realize that the globalists that control virtually every facet of our lives are involved in secret societies like the Freemasons and the Jesuits and use numerology heavily as well as other occult and satanic devices.
Christine Lagarde, of the IMF, was very upfront about it as she talked about her numerology skills and the “magic number 7” just before the last Shemitah in 2015.
As we continued to cover the Shemitah and the collapses and timelines all occurring on specific dates such as the Brexit market crash, we began to realize we had uncovered a lot of their methodology. The Brexit crash on June 24th, 2016, was the biggest one day stock market crash in world history and it happened 7 years, 7 months, 7 weeks and 7 days after the last Shemitah as we covered in our article, “The Magic Number 7: Brexit Collapse Falls Exactly On Shemitah Date.”

We don’t put even 10% of our research into these occult timelines in the public domain… most of it goes into the TDV newsletter. So, many people don’t see all of our methodology and can be confused.
But, I believe, we have a better understanding of the elite’s timelines and agenda than anyone else in the world at this moment in time.
And, I’ll be going to Bilderberg for the third year in a row this year, where it was just announced for June 1-4 in Washington, DC. And, I’ll be going as always with Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change and Dan Dicks of Press For Truth.

Wait, did that guy just compare an evolution in money and banking which has the potential to destroy the evils of central banking and government plus put the power of money back into the hands of the individual for the first time in modern history a “path to hell” and “one of those horrible things like heroin and crystal meth” and a “road to the death chamber?”
I think he has cryptocurrencies confused with central banking.
I’m pretty sure speculating in and using cryptocurrencies isn’t a “road to the death chamber”. I doubt you’ll buy $5,000 worth of litecoin and all of a sudden find yourself in a cattle car to a FEMA camp. If anything, having that $5,000 worth of bitcoin might help you avoid that trip that many may be destined for after the dollar collapse.
In times like those having some money is usually a good thing. It gives you options to get out of dodge before things get too bad. And so, we enjoy helping people accumulate some capital to give them options.
And, we’ve done that with the following gains on cryptocurrencies:
- Bitcoin 60,233% gain since 2011
- Ethereum 3,830% gain since January 27th, 2016
- Monero 1166% since August 18th 2016
- Steem 462% since March 29th 2017
- Dash 386% since February 14th
Today we just released our latest cryptocurrency recommendation and it is already up 6%.
You can get access to it and all of our research for a discounted price now by clicking here.
We’ve been covering the cryptocurrency space since 2011 while almost every other financial newsletter on Earth said they were a “scam” or a “ponzi scheme”. Now, many of them are all jumping on the bandwagon but no one has the years of knowledge and track record of The Dollar Vigilante.
We’ll hope to see you on board and enjoying the profits with us.

Thanks for the update @dollarvigilante, bitcoin is looking strong as hell right now, steem and Stratis are going right up with it too!
Because as of last year you started collapsing plenty of times and had some panic attacks leading you to the E.R. Before that, it was all about hookers and blow in an expensive villa. Now its colon cleansers, adrenaline shots and anti-depressants.
The only thing that is consistently the same is the tinfoil in your posts.
So this is how Steem Power is used... I get it now. I would not down vote your comment, but I find it distasteful to use your 9cents worth of Steem Power to vote yourself to the top in the trending comments.
So how does a starving kid add too your lack of arguments? If your going to throw an ad-homimem attack, please note that everyone uses aluminum foil nowadays.
some people would rather point the finger at others than talk about solutions to the problem, as is the case with kyriacos, it seems.
He said : “Everything Worth Having In The World Is Free Including Food.”
Simply this is not true. It takes an I.Q of a potato peel to figure this out.
You are correct! The first thing that I can think of that is worth having, but not free, would be freedom.
lol. he changed his post and title on youtube video due to my comment.
oh dear. I feel sorry for you guys. You just need a hero afterall.
what a rediculous post. Why dont you post on another blog that reflects your interest, rather than giving out negative vibes that make people think your are an idiot.
your unhelpful trolling gets flagged. get a life pal
The please let me return the favor my dear TDV sheeple
I don't know what dtv is nor do I want to, the narrative of this blog is not about about your issue, go post about it somewhere else, and stop distracting from cryptocurrency. thats what this article is about you dumbass.
very well said thefutureisnow.... kyriacos is the true internet troll, he hounds every single of TDV (the dollar vigilante aka jeff berwick, love you.... anyway, he hounds every single post jeff makes, just check it out for yourself, such a hater, dark dark soul
Judging by kyriacos' posts hes either in love with jeff, or some kind of SJW that wishes he could be Jeff, hilarious. noteworthy lack of orginal content.
So no inbetween? There is no chance kyriacos is just a normal person who happens to dislike jeff?
thats his perogative, his feelings are not my concern, the way he is "expressing" his feelings is like an ass. this post is not about his feelings its about crypto. this is how weak hold down the strong. harrison bergeron shit. turn your fucking brain on morons and start thinking about solutions to the problems in life instead of bitching all fucking day long about issues of no relevance or significance. no one here gives a fuck about your feelings. we are interested in technology.
I trade in crypto-currency just like a day trader would trade in stocks. By no means is it "easy," a lot of research involved, and i lost some money the first month, but my second month I doubled my crypto and now I'm in ten excellent positions. then I write articles about them on steem if its a project I can really get behind and believe in, like Auroracoin (in my blog). shameless I know. Crypto-currency has changed my life and I'm no longer a slave to a 9 to 5. The future is bright because of crypto, for us all. Whenever something is attacked by globalists or their ilk, its because its a GOOD THING.
also, Bitcoin to 4000 USD by christmas fo' sho'
In this article I explain why supporting Iceland, and its Auroracoin, will be geopolitically and strategically very good for the world and Blockchain Technology this is the power of crypto: I think even Jeff himself may rather enjoy this.
iv not been trading, but i do invest. invested in steem long back when jeff suggested, and already making good profits. another investments are doge, lite, ripple, ethereum and bitcoin. would like to know, is dogecoin bullshit? (however not invested toomuch in doge)
most definately not. Doge has rock solid development and a dedicated fanbase that have been around for years. I most certainly expect doge to still be useful and relevant in the years to come.
the only one of those I dont like is Ripple, $XRP, and mostly for the ideological reason that its centrally run, so its like the central bankers putting on a guy fawks mask and saying "hey, look, im all blockchainy now." its a total farce, and anything centralized is the antithesis of why bitcoin was invented in the first place. but the fact its backed up by the central banks makes me hate it even more. 70% of ripple is locked up and not accessible, this makes it very easy for the bankers to just buy ripple themselves to create a bubble that people will buy into and loose fortunes when it pops because ripple doesnt really offer anything special. they may as well call it "central banker coin." I really hate the stuff.
also, we will see a big move in monero, $XMR soon i think. remember this is just my opinion... not financial advice. appreciate your question. crypto rules
cannot agree more
thanks man. I really hope it happens, and I've already tweeted some members of the aurora team about the possibility of Pegging an auroracoin to a megawatt of power, being that iceland has tons of cheap green electricity. Ill do what I can to make it happen, for now, It starts with raising awareness.
I know that there are other cryptos pegged to commodities. I read about $URO. Its pegged to the price of one metric ton of Urea, of all things. Im not sure if they managed to get the project off the ground, looks like not, or maybe just not yet.
Congratulations @dollarvigilante!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:
It should be added this is happening with the network at full capacity the price is still rising and India's market seems to be pointing to even higher $2245+ prices soon!
Trade volume
Unconfirmed Bitcoins
Open Orders
Price on CoinSecure in Indian Rupee
Those Rupees in USD
Also check my post on Jeff's videos please....
agreed. I think alot of people in first world nations forget just how badly crypto is needed in third world nations, crypto is on fire demand-wise anywhere that isnt a first world nation.
and everybody can't wait to tell the bankers to go screw. heh.
Yes... I'm even floating ideas of a voluntary UBI coin... bit of a conflict in my head looking at the numbers on automation/UBI vs how it feels like communism.... We need models that respects rights, put power into peoples hands and help meet needs to the masses. Especially the poor, the elderly, the sick and the 3rd world.
I fully agree. UBI is an inevitability as automation and machine learning take over most kinds of work, even the creative and artistic stuff eventually. I think crypto currencies will help us develop new goverance and economic models that are neither capitalism nor communism, and help expose the two to be two sides of the same coin, so to speak, and in this day and age, a false dichotomy.
Yeah but using the models of human nature and free market that true capitalism does so well. Too much central power will always attract abuse. We need transparency and decentralization. Some organizations will work well with automation. Automation is only a forcing multiplying tool. That kind of force can either be used to fire everyone or create sustainable abundance. Even many environmental issues can become trivial.
yes capitalism has clearly been the best because it rewards productivity. new systems are possible now that are even better than capitalism. look at $TIME for example, or $NEM
This is just unbelievable...I am now trying to obtain bitcoins....I think once they hit the cap off...boy oh boy
Jeff, why don't you answer this critic?
Interesting that minimalism and Bitcoin go hand in hand for a lot of people. For me, I had become disgusted with my family and I filling our house with worthless junk. I started to divert some of the money being spent on Chinese garbage and spent it on Bitcoin instead. Now I have a nice little crypto portfolio and a much tidier house.... :)
It's mostly skyrocketing because of the BTC spam attack. no one can transfer BTC in less than 12h without paying enough fees that it's not worth dumping right now. I wrote about it here.
Jeff, this was a great article! The video was top shelf material! On a side note... Do you remember when Max Keiser (~yr2011) had his "everyone buy 1 Oz of physical silver and take down JP Morgan" push? Silver went from ~$26 to ~40 in short order? I think the time is right for everyone that is willing to buy 1 oz physical silver to buy the equivalent in BTC. Get your feet wet people, learn about crypto-currency and save yourself! The 130th BTC obituary will be the last, not because BTC will be dead, because BTC will stop "dying"!
We should maybe organize an event like this.... done all at the same time on several things.