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RE: What is 'Real Money?'

in #money7 years ago

lovely post.. a great topic to look at.. It seems to be that we place value on things that are scarce and uncommon. The things with the greatest value, such as the sun and our world itself are more or less taken from granted and greatly undervalued.

What we value in life we tend to protect. Money is the be all and end all of life according to our capitalist / democratic societies . This has meant that money has been protected over and above things like the very survival of our world.

what to do!? What is real money? There is no such thing! ;-) Money by its very nature isnt real.. but hey .. it is convenient..

Sorry if this makes no sense.. im still a bit delirious after a bout of illness.
thanks @stillgideon


Glad you read it. Yes, your comment made a lot of sense. I like what you said about the earth and sun. Money is indeed convenient, unless you don’t have any. Then it's inconvenient.