The Rise and Fall of Fiat Currency

in #money5 years ago

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The Rise and Fall of Fiat Currency

Is society better with a currency backed by gold or a currency backed by government promises? (which is often the case with fiat currency...)

In the following paragraphs I will be taking a look at how the world's current monetary system (fiat currency) is destined to fail. But first, let's clear up some common misconceptions surrounding money and the use of it.

Money is NOT evil, but like all things, when in the wrong hands it can be used by bad people for the purpose of evil. Money can be used as a means of incentive to motivate a person for what will be the greater good of society (and let's not forget Ecclesiastes 10:19). Money can build infrastructure, hospitals, schools and even feed the poor when in the right hands. There is a great deal of poverty in the world also, but poverty has many causes, corruption and selfishness being some (we must also remember that many have been tested by God, finding themselves in hard times).

Ecclesiastes 10:19
"A feast is made for laughter, and wine makes merry: but money answers all things."

With wealth comes responsibility and duty, and some greatness has been achieved with wealth, along with many advancements in technology... But it is also not to be taken for granted, not everybody can handle wealth, someone that is unwise with a little would likely be unwise with a lot. Remember Matthew 25 "The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins" and "The Parable of the Talents" - The wise will inherit the coming New Kingdom, and the unwise will find themselves in the Outer Darkness. (I am not suggesting you have to be wealthy to get into the New Kingdom, different people are tested in different ways, and individual circumstances are taken into account.)

The current fiat currency system adopted by world governments has been in use since 1971, when US President Richard Nixon cancelled the convertibility of the United States dollar to gold, "to defend the dollar against speculators". Many called it "closing the gold window" and it was done so in response to speculation that the US was actually printing/spending more money than they had gold in reserves, foreign countries (and their central banks) felt that the US had more money being printed than the gold that backed it.
Before 1971 currency was pegged to gold through the Bretton Woods system, a system that was established in 1944 when the Second World War was nearing an end. Representatives from 44 Allied nations (the Allies) got together at a conference at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire (United States). At the conference (officially known as the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference) a set of new rules were agreed for a post-war international monetary system, to stabilize the world when the war ended. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/IBRD and the International Monetary Fund/IMF were established.

(IBRD - established in 1944 with the purpose of financing the reconstruction of European nations devastated by World War II and now provide concessional financing to sovereign states to fund projects that seek to improve infrastructure, education and healthcare... ect. IMF - work toward global monetary cooperation, financial stability, and facilitate/promote international trade.)

It was agreed at the conference to adopt a foreign exchange market rate system with exchange rates pegged to gold, and the US dollar was placed as the anchor of the system (a "gold standard" had been in place by many countries previously, even as early as the 1860s, but I am discussing events leading up to the current fiat currency system). Countries would now settle their international accounts in dollars that could be converted to gold at a fixed exchange rate, and redeemable by the US government... the US was committed to backing every dollar overseas with gold, and other currencies were pegged to the dollar also.

By the late 60s (and leading up to 1971) it is said that central banks outside of the United States had billions of dollars of holdings but the quantity and value of gold in US reserves was less... Were the US printing more money than they had gold...? With increased public debt and inflation inside the US, and central banks outside of it asking for their holdings to be exchanged for gold, President Nixon cancelled the convertibility of the United States dollar to gold and "closed the gold window" to prevent an outflow of gold that was in reserves. It was originally to be a temporary measure but 48 years later it is still in place, and since the measures were introduced, a system of fiat currencies have been used worldwide. With the US dollar making up the biggest percent of known central bank foreign exchange reserves, it makes it the de facto global currency, it is also one factor in identifying the US as Mystery Babylon in relation to Revelation 18, that states the merchants of the Earth were made rich by her... It also means that her fiat currency will fall.

By definition, fiat money is a currency without intrinsic value that has been established as money, declared by a government to be legal tender. It has value only because its government maintains its value, and is not backed by any hard assets. It is Kind of scary, but it also seems that the wheels of motion and financial collapse of the US/Babylon (and other fiat currencies) have been set turning for quite a while now, as it often is on the 'global stage' with events and prophecy playing out, and with the ongoing trade wars between nations (mainly involving the US), we also have many countries stocking up on gold, as it is a safer and wiser investment being a hard asset (and why GODcoin is an even better investment, backed by gold and God).

The Federal Reserve System is the central banking system of the United States of America, and from the Lord's Imperial Regent, we know that it was started by the German "Ashkenazi Jewish" Rothschild family, the false Ashkenazi Jews our Lord called a "synagogue of Satan" in Revelation 3:9:

“And behold, I grant some of the synagogue of Satan, of those who say about themselves that they are Jews and are not, but they are lying, behold, I shall make them come and worship before your feet and to know that I love you.”

It is only fitting that the system of the synagogue of Satan would fall and make way for the system of the New Kingdom; GODcoin. The current system results in the issuing of bonds and loans to cover government spending which are sold off and purchased by foreign central banks, pension funds and others... resulting in an IOU that never really gets paid off, but a continued increase in loans and debt. The current US federal budget deficit sits at around 1.1 trillion dollars, and is mostly a result of military spending and the "war on terror"... regardless, alarm bells should be ringing.

Even with all logic presenting the need for a one world currency we still have people calling the concept evil and a system of "The Antichrist" (btw there is no singular antichrist. You reject Christ and you are antichrist, it is that simple), but these people need to ask themselves... what is the New Kingdom... what is Heaven on Earth... what is a one world... Utopian Paradise... and so on. Everyone would agree that they are a form of utopia or a "Utopian Society". Now, what makes society work... with a righteous and just rule, society also requires a form of currency to function (not forgetting that the wheat will have been separated from the tares) - The reasoning is stated in the opening paragraphs of this article, and like it or not, technology and a currency is needed for society to flourish.

Throughout history many nations have risen but have also fallen, and their currencies with them. Circumstances which led to the fall of any nation can be widely debated, but one thing in common amongst many of them, is the birth of something new, as it was with the industrial revolution after the Second World War... Just take a look around the world, at events playing out and the fulfilment of prophecy, we are about to be witness to such an event again, a new beginning, and with a new beginning the establishment of the New Kingdom... With that in mind and taking into account the ones stockpiling gold, just who does Earth's gold belong to...? Does it really belong to those that are stockpiling it... or perhaps a bigger, more important question would be: is it to be used as tribute?

Haggai 2:8 tells us who the gold belongs to:

"The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, says the LORD of hosts."

For those who may think that they don't have to (or simply won't) pay tribute, there may be a worthy message in James 5:

"Oh rich men, wail and weep over the miseries which are coming upon you!
2 For your wealth is decayed and stinks, and your garments are eaten by moths.
3 Your gold and your silver has corroded itself and their corrosion will be for a witness against you and will consume your flesh. You have gathered fire to yourselves for the last days."

This article was authored by Bishop Greg Brady.

GODcoin - The NWO currency is Here.


To answer your first question, surely a currency that is backed by tangible assets such as one of the most prized precious metals throughout history is much better than a corrupt government's "promise". Also, for it is the "love of money" that is bad, not money itself. 1 Timothy 6:10:

10But the root of all these evils is the love of money, and there are some who have desired it and have erred from the faith and have brought themselves many miseries.

Very true 😇😇

This is a great write-up! GODcoin will pave the way of the future!

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