Here Are Some Tips How To Save Money When You Are A Teenager
Saving money as a teenager is hard, especially when you have friends who are out buying new clothes and going on weekend trips.
The first tip is: Separate spending money from savings
Though you’ve stashed the money you’ve made in a savings account, you might be tempted into thinking you should spend that money if you’ve run out of cash right? No—don’t touch it!
The second tip is: Track Your Spending
Take your cash and open two accounts, a checking and a savings account.
Be sure to research the various types of accounts banks offer. Some will charge fees if you don’t keep a minimum balance. You should never pay a penny in fees to a bank for any reason.
The third tip is : Avoid the Mall
When I started thinking about it I can’t remember the last time that I went to the mall to go shopping. For anything. I haven’t had much luck getting great deals at any mall and it seems super expensive to me.