Want Free Crypto?? Don't Waste Your Time With Faucets

in #money7 years ago (edited)


... Airdrops


Yes, that is right folks. I said Airdrops.

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Airdrops are way better than Faucets.,. I started with faucets though...

Me 2.

how do you research your airdrops @maxwell95?

I follow specific legit airdrop pages and groups... I have also signed up for newsletters from airdrop sites...

Shitty airdrops are not necessarily better than faucets. Any airdrop claiming to give away 100$ value or something like that is just shit. Just avoid this kind of "airdrop" that are just collecting spam email lists.


Yes Airdrops are way better, most faucets have malware/spyware on their site!!!

This looks awesome, thanks for sharing!

Flagged for disagreement on rewards.


@fbslo do you mind elaborating on why you disagree with this content?

your shitpost is of high quality and worthy of a flag....does that help?

no ... @dj123 ... all you have done is further perpetuate this perspective of intolerance without really sharing what it is you dislike. I am open minded and eager to discuss yet all you have done is throw insults around.

Please either respect me and my wishes or don't take part in the content I create

You demand respect and you cannot tolerate an opinion? ...smh

Well i suppose it would be pretty pointless to get into the fundemental of steem reward distribution is decided by a collective, what we choose todo with our votes as well as expectation...oh well.

Trust me you could do alot worst that @fbslo, he's one of the more moderated witness who actually leaves a comment, perhaps you should take his feedback, buff up your post content before you self upvote it with >$200 (which is probably like $1000 when Steem was >$4)....shit i'm probably wasting my breath here, i think you're already offended and don't realize anything i typed after the ? mark benefits me zip but benefits you the more so.....wish you best of luck regardless of what future comments and votes anyone leave or not

ps. Do a review of each airdrop....good, bad, pros, cons, etc.

Which are in exchanges, which are not, which you can cash out immidately, which you can't.....i bet if you add up real immediate value of even USD$100 worth that can be gain immediately without scammer ico behavior and broken promises after data and survey and getting whatever they want from user (ahem...and not just for your own referral benefit) it probably won't get flagged...and I know i would upvote as well.

BTW. I upvoted only 3 third byteball airdrop post i saw which explains things clearly, pros and cons, just saying.

daem you're long winded @danieljavier! well i hope that guys actually listens

I did an article exactly about this few weeks ago: https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@david236/how-to-stay-away-from-fake-airdrops-and-crypto-scams
Most of the airdrops around are just spam lists ready for selling

Please either respect me and my wishes or don't take part in the content I create

I can see that you are quite new to Steem Blockchain, so I will explain some things to you.

  • Reward pool is limited to ~49,000 STEEM per day.
    This STEEM (75% of all created STEEM) is distributed among all content creators.
    When you boost your post, that is clearly promotion of your affiliate links for some scam airdrops with no explanation, you take from whole community.
    As a stakeholder, I can take some money from you with flags and give it back to reward pool.

  • As @danieljavier mention in his comment, you need to give some value to Steem community, so your post is worth rewards. This post is NOT worth more than $5. If you just want to promote your links, you can decline rewards or set @null as 100% benefactor (Read how to do this). This will not take any rewards from community and you will not be flagged.

  • Maybe you think that my $0.1 flag is not much, but your "shitposts" posts will be flagged by whales with millions of SP soon. There are still some whales who care about community.

I wish you luck on Steem.


this is why folks need to vote for @fbslo, also cause he has an awesome snake game amongst other reason.....when can we expect your next game buddy?

You can expect better Steem Snake v2.0 soon.

I agree with you...this post not as per steemit standard and it is not adding any value to community.
Intentionally written to earn referral income. Steemit it not a place for that.

Dear @fblso, 49,000 is a lot of steem. My post currently has nearly 234 of them as potential rewards... that's .47% of the rewards pool ... less than half of a percent.

I am trying to generate income through this blog. I can't effectively do it just by creating good content. Even the people getting the most "organic" votes aren't making more than $10-20 per post.

I have provided a service : sharing valuable information : the value of the information is determined by the user of that information ... and by my bit.ly stats, I'm providing a valuable service for lots of people

I hear that you disagree with the content I am producing.

I am not going to stop producing things like this .

I will try to do a better job of providing key and relevant details for the coins I highlight.

I see that there are many people that are really passionate about the steem platform ... I am one of them ... I generate the majority of my income through this place

For that I am really grateful ... but I personally am totally ok with the content I am producing as well as my on platform behavior (specifically promoting posts to gain relevancy/page views)

If you still disagree that is fine, just don't leave troll comments in my posts

According to steem.supply, your account is getting 0.0739% of the rewards fund.

0.5 percent is lots of rewards. 0.5% of reward pool started "Great Flag War".

are all of my active posts "shit posts" in your opinion?

that's a pretty good shit comment right there! you're on a roll

Hey bro, Of course I want!!!

I am doing well earning Free Dogecoins

Posted using Partiko iOS

how you get them free doge @offgridlife?

What’s the expected payout? Sounds nice. DOGE is great somehow, as simple as stupid

Posted using Partiko iOS

I get about 5 Dogecoins a day so far

Posted using Partiko iOS


won't freebitco.in be easier. It's very famous and historical, just 1 click per hour. If you want, just try my link, otherwise you can do Google

i think it is just a waste of time

you have your point, indeed

even i think so because the amount which we get is way too low...

Posted using Partiko Android

The better way to earn on that site is to deposit over 30k sats and earn interest. The faucet's kinda terrible.

Earncryto is pretty scammy, they will shut down your account if you start earning too much.

I would not support them, centralize scam ads monger.

Scammy ?? I never had any issues with Earncrypto.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for sharing. I've smashed the upvote button for you!

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I followed you to keep a lookout for those airdrops