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RE: Luck is the Only Relevant Factor in Making Money Trading Crypto Over the Short Term

in #money7 years ago

We’ll have to agree to disagree, although you can feel free to substitute “grace” or some variation of “blessed” for the word “luck” and the meaning remains the same.

Risk is just a probabilistic state. It’s a claim about potentiality.

Sometimes taking a risk can involve work. But risk doesn’t inherently include the concept of work.

And in the case of financial risk (which is another word for gambling), deciding to take on risk of financial loss is not “work.” It’s not a “bad” thing, but the decision to take on risk isn’t any kind of labor or work, any more than putting $100,000.00 on red at the roulette wheel is “work.”

In a capitalistic system, people who take on risk can, in the right context, serve important beneficial functions to the system and it’s participants, but being beneficial or useful doesn’t make something “hard work” (or any kind of work at all) either.

If we were gonna get real deep into it, I’d have to say that a large problem in society is that people try to take credit for any success they have.

Since we’re talking in an academic and secular context, we can chalk up occurrences in the world to luck and random chance.

But I have the feeling you know where we should really ascribe credit for any person’s success of any kind :)


Sure, I got your point, nobody can become anything whatsoever without God. That's might not be the fact as many out their believe in fact, but that's the basic truth. One can deny the fact, but no one can deny the truth.