RE: Lions! I Am Really Liking Tech Here. By Gregory Mannarino
I have no problem with anything you do because I have already taken the time to check exactly what happens in the contracts you post trades in. There is usually very low volume so anyone who has any understanding of how options trades work will know what you paid. Then they can see what you sold the for...according only to the "fact" that the trade was closed out at your web blog. As I said, the prices I quote at my blog about your trades are fact..."period!" you yourself would say. :-) To verify this I will ask you about today's new QQQ long entry. After you placed the trade....did you realize there were still only 2 contracts that had traded total in the Oct expiry $141 call strike for the next few hours? The bid hadn't even moved except for the jump in price that made you "ski daddle" out of your shorts with crap in em. If people want "full" disclosure about your actual trades as opened and closed at your blog...I am "the" source for that info-may-shun. I'm actually kinda "shocked!" that anyone would just follow blindly without taking the time to do the easy verifications of your trades. I know nobody is coming buy my place to see what you are actually doing. You got em by the balls, Greg...and some of them are ladies too! I think they are anyhoo...can't be sure nowadays. Anyway, whatever you say >>> They will listen. *-) I see SLV traded to 15.60 in AH...I want to see at least 15.58 on the open. Are you ready? Good, Greg, now that we know you have a "intsy weentsy" position in SLV short...whatcha gonna do next? I'll let you make the call. You noivous? :-)
Oh, if you answer my question about the fact that only 2 QQQ call contracts traded even hours after you spewed your long at TrradersChoice I will ask you the next question. But I'm not sure you want to go there because then you will be admitting the truth. Truth can't fool em, greg. :-)