How to do well in the media in 2018 is enough to master the four words

in #money7 years ago

What do you do from the media in 2018?
What's the future trend of the media?
Many friends have been concerned about this problem recently.
Today, we mainly talk about the trend of these content distribution from the media platform in 2018, and how the media should develop better on these platforms this year.

In our previous self - media sharing, most of the content was mainly from the headlines. Why do you love to talk about the headlines today? Because today's headlines are from the media platform leader, other platforms are to follow, as long as the headlines rules through, other platforms do it naturally can also be handy.
As a result, today's sharing is mainly used as an example of today's headlines.
For self media platforms, they do not produce content themselves. Their content is started by grabbing and collecting, and then attracts lots of self media authors to create content through cash subsidy incentive. Until the end of 2016, the headlines of today's headlines are very loose, and advertising articles and vulgar articles can be easily audited by the platform.
At this time, as long as there is no brain handling, content move bricks, copy and paste, you can get a lot of traffic, whether it is drainage products, or earn platform advertising is very easy.
Until 17 years, a large number of peers, such as Baidu mobile, daily express and UC browser, began to distribute content. At that time, even many of today's headlines were faced with media coverage of BAT encirclement and suppression.

At this time, when Baidu platforms such as Bai Jia Hao, UC big fish and so on still need a large number of user actions to fill the blank content of the platform, today's headlines begin to filter the content, subsidize the original content, and carry out the fatal suppression of the transport, vulgar and inferior content.
In the past 17 years, a large number of studios moving bricks on the headlines of today have transformed.
Why does the headline have to do this today?
Xiaobian believes that the original intention of today's headlines to substantially subsidize the original headlines is to let those who have professional knowledge share knowledge in their own field. In this way, users get valuable information and see or click on related advertisements advertised by the platform. The author gets the profit sharing of the platform, and the platform gets the advertising cost of the business, which is a very good win-win situation.
There is also a point: the inferior content of garbage is doomed to be unable to retain the user.
At this time, as long as you can do original or pseudo original content, whether it is the article or video, can easily make money on the platform. As of today, according to the tutorial we have summed up, we can still use the self media platform to earn high advertising costs.

Since the beginning of 18 years, today's headlines have chanting slogans from intelligent distribution to intelligent social networking, improving the weight of fans in recommender systems, and improving touchdown rate of fans on touchlines.
Another micro headline is much like that of micro-blog, to encourage users to send in the headlines, dynamic, answer questions, concerned friends, so far, today's headlines is not only the world headlines, headlines, micro, Wukong walked the quiz is also a large number of user time.
So, in 2018, what should we do from the media writers? How do you make money?
Two key words:
To subdivide
Why do you want to emphasize these two key words?
Because the smart socializing of headlines today opens the user's strong relationships.
Before today's headlines users can see content, as long as the system is pushed, no matter who can do it, just click on what they want to see; later, as the number of people concerned increases, the contents of the system are randomly distributed, which is doomed to be replaced by the content that the users often pay attention to.
In this case, you should understand why you want to do the vertical and subdivision of the field, right?
Only enough vertical, subdivided, can you make the system think you are a very focused domain expert;
Only when it is vertical and subdivided, can you get a more accurate recommendation from the population in the relevant areas of the system;
It is only enough vertical, subdivided, that you can find that part of your loyal fans;
Only enough vertical, subdivided, can you make the user feel and remember you!
Many people say that since the media did not have the opportunity, I think to do anything in a vertical segments, there must be a harvest plough!
Finally, some suggestions for friends struggling on the media road:
A person who wants to be fast and successful in the media must be focused on a particular field, and positioning is very important. It can not be that I do both the car from the media, and do the children from the media, it is necessary to make a deep ploughing field to be successful.
Of course, the success described here means more than a million years. To achieve this level, if it is only based on the platform's advertising, it is definitely not enough and needs more mode of cash change. A few million yuan a month is basically the top of a person's full-time job.
For those who want to earn money from the media but have not yet started, it's a good choice to start from earning the profit from the media platform. It's also easy to remember. We must remember the short-term revenue plus long-term plan we emphasized before.
Besides, interest is very important. If you are interested, you can persist. The process from quantitative change to qualitative change may take a long time. If you are not interested, you may give up halfway, so you must remember: interest and persistence.
In 2018, if you can be a personal brand, community, and the combination of media, you will get a qualitative leap!