Follow the Money $$$

in #money7 years ago

Hey Guys and Girls,

So I have decided to take the big plunge. This is my route to becoming a star of creation. I will do the following the next couple of weeks. Create my own fortune, and you will be a witness. I have read all the books and seen all the seminars about creating wealth.
I hear you think ; Laaaaame. I have seen that before, heard that before. The internet is filled with success stories like that.
But mine is unique because I am just starting. I am not some wisecrack saying how you should this of that. I am just a dude like you.

I am on a path. To FEEL good. Be happy and earn lots of money. (Just to inform, I am already happy;) )

Some info for you to know about myself:
I am 39 years old
For twelve years I have practiced daily meditation, sometimes one, sometimes 2 hours a day. (interesting to know because focus and balance is important.
Currently I am a teacher at a Waldorf School.
I am Dutch.
That's all the info you need right now, don't want to drag this up too long.
I have set my goal to earn a million Euros in 1 year, and I will. You guys will help me, by being a witness and let me inspire you. For the geezers that don't believe in me I see a great opportunity as well. Leave your comments below if you think I'm talking out of the crack of my ass. Next post will be tomorrow.
But how do I plan to achieve my goal?
I'm a man with a plan, which is ever so important. You see, this is as much a blog for you as it is to me. Creating your reality starts by having an intention. To decide what you want and then act upon it. Positive thinking isn't near enough, because there might be a thin layer of positivity covering up a whole sea of built-up negativity. Things we say to ourselves like ; "This will never work for me, or I am not strong and disciplined enough.

My plan contains the following;

  • I have made a screenshot of my bank-account on my phone and changed the amount on my account to a 1.237.436,90 euros.
    I look at this 50 times a day and say thanks. I feel it. I feel it's there and then be grateful.
  • When I meditate, I feel the money and love coming down on me. Of course I do my bodyscan first. Realizing body awareness and balance, feel good and from that feeling I say thanks to all the things that come to me.
  • Every morning I light candles a say the following 3 times, by lighting each candle:
    By lighting this candle I thank God (yeah I know, but just hang on) for all the money and prosperity that come my way, I thank for all the love that comes to me, that beautiful woman i met, and I say thanks for all the space, time and money that I have to fulfill myself and touch the hearts of people so I can help people to become more balanced.
    TRUST....that it will come.
    I don't know how things will come, but the Universe/God knows better, and I trust in how things will come. I TRUST!
    Even if it doesn't help, people, it FEELS good, but I will tell you what:
  • After 1 week my ex messaged me saying that she would still like to keep contact. Which I hoped for when she broke up. I was sad but at peace after she broke up. My goal as described above wasn't specific, saying, I want my ex back. Universe sent love in another way. (The key to get your ex back guys; 30 days no contact, and be happy without them. 9 out of 10 she will contact you)
  • Yesterday the person that I borrowed 6500 euros from told me that I didn't have to pay it back. Bless HIM.

I feel it's the start. Getting into Steem is another signal I felt and started. I had some money backed up and will invest in cryptocurrency. Feel with me brother and sisters, follow my footsteps to the higher lands, the lower lands and the Netherlands. Do what I do and we will be prosperous together.
Don't need to hate the system, otherwise we will be haters. Just create a new. We are the future. We are mankind. We are the new humanity.

Next time, next time.
I hope you all are prosperous and happy.
(By the way, the meditation I do is Vipassana. I can advice anyone to do a 10 day retreat)


This was a test. Thank you for letting me test on your post! Keep the rest for yourself :)

Oh. And in the future. Always add an image! (So more people look at it)

Thanks, this was my first post. Just trying to figure things out. Can I still do that?

My plan to make money is to comment on your post and hope some of your wealth drips into my pockets.

I will send the thought your way :)

Good luck to you. Stay focused and I believe you can achieve your goal.