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RE: EARLY RELEASE! Post Market Wrap Up. MUST Watch: THIS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago (edited)

@marketreport...Great work done this week! Hopefully Yellen-Mouth doesn't wake you up this weekend. Your page is working fine generally . The right edge should be bigger (20 pixels) to see all the numbers. Users with slow computer will have problems because it's loading a lot in 1 side. They have to wait a few seconds. But it's practical to have everything in 1 side.


JACK-ASS Yellen is a traitor/sell-out

I think it's an accurate analysis. And it's like a little nest inside the view of the sap. With a little visual programming play, it can be made much more readable and understandable. @mafsteem @marketreport

@mafsteem @marketreport I agree with you that with slow computer will have problems.For example, me :)) And there are parts that do not look like cut on the left side of the's a nice site in general terms, but it will be much nicer if the design is improved a little bit..

Yes ıts true ! The computer is very important in this digital world. @marketreport Am I wrong? @mafsteem

@beyfendi...I just bought a new laptop. It's worth not to wait always. This way you earn more with Steemit.

Sir, can i ask a question...Venezuela is releasing an alternative currency for digital parcels, including Bitcoin. The petroleum-based currency, Petro, will be sold 100 million units in the first place and the unit price will be $ 59.07.I saw such a news today. I need your information about crypto money.... @mafsteem

@beyfendi...I don't know more then you on this subject.

I'm sorry I did not get a new computer and but steemitte I understand I need a new pc...I hope one day :) @mafsteem

@beyfendi...Steem would be a good buy now. It went down from 8.3$ to 5.4$. 6.20$ is ok now to buy.

You call it a good investment for the future.. :) @mafsteem

@beyfendi...I think Steem is short term (next 3-6 months) a very good investment.

I am a university student and I need short-term investments now... :) but we also need to think long term... @mafsteem

@beyfendi...Steem is short term and Ether long term. But it's important to follow the situation all the time.