How Far Will You Go For Money

in #money7 years ago

Will you kill for money? Will you betray someone's trust? Will you trade your soul? Tell me, how far will you go for MONEY?


Do you want to be like Judas Iscariot, who sold Jesus to the Sanhedrin for 30 silver coins? Will you be the modern version of that man? Well I don't, but i know few people who do. People who's willing to do everything for money and wealth.

They say money is the root cause of all evil. That isn't true. We can't let an inanimate object be responsible for a wrong doing. It can't move, It can't talk. It doesn't have a mind of its own. So, If it's not money, then what is the root cause of all evil, you ask? It's us, people. How we think. How we value money more than anything else. How we are all blinded by discontentment. How we let it be the center of our lives. How much risk we are willing to take just to have it. We, our dirty mind and soul are the reason for evil's existence.


The politicians who betrayed public trust for fame, power and wealth. The burglar who sneaks at night into different houses, and take everything they want to sell it. The assassins who are paid to kill people. Those scammers who are fooling you, to invest for an illegal business. Your son/daughter who are asking for money for a project or a book, but in reality, they'll use it for a night out or a date. Your friends who are willing to betray you.


Drug pushers sell drugs. Pirates take things. Smugglers smuggle. Strippers and prostitutes sell their flesh. These people have one thing in common. They keep their eyes on the prize--Money.

I'm not a saint. I did stupid things for money too. Like stealing from my parent's pocket to buy candies and other stuff. I have lied to them for a bag, a pair of shoes or a trendy outfit, but nothing goes beyond that. And still, it doesn't make me better than any of those criminals.

I have few friends who betrayed me for money. Friends whom I never thought would trade our friendship just like that. Until now i'm trying to think things through, as to where they are coming from, and why. But we are not wearing the same shoe, so i might never understand.


The thing is, money is not evil. Money is just a bank note, but what we do with it is another story.