in #money6 years ago


Gregory Mannarino

NEW 100% FREE FOR ANYONE TO USE CHARTING SYSTEM (BETA). Attempts to take advantage of market volatility. Click here: https://www.traderschoice.net/
***Lions. I am determined to make this work. Please post your results for everyone to see (social networks etc) with regards to my new completely free to use charting system. We will rip this market to shreds! I feel VERY positive on this.


Off the Scale BOND suppression!

Not suprising nobody bats a eye at the Bond Market, most don't know about them.
Look at ChemSpraying; Right before your eyes in the sky. And Nobody says anything???
Even on the US Government website; GeoEngineering going on and spraying of chemicals into the atmosphere; And the sheeple say nothing?

I watched a video interview where a govt. "scientist" admitted to spraying sulphuric acid into the atmosphere... on national television! Nobody says a thing.

Just to big to grasp for most sheeple.

You would almost naturally think, SULPHURIC ACID, everybody has to know no good can come from this. The sheep can't possibly be that stupid- or maybe they can. I went to get some drain cleaner at the hardware and it's hydrochloric acid. The guy says "now you can open a meth lab." I ask him WHAT??? He says yeah that's what they put in it.

You lost me at chem spraying, man...

Somebody is making a killing with SPY Calls!

gold silver crypto land and a litle bit cash outside banking system

Thank You, Gregory, Upvoted, and Resteemed. I am an hour late. The chart is green poles. Oh, the first tiny red candle is showing. See you this afternoon.

Golds doing nicely at the moment back in the 🇬🇧. Cheers

Hello sir robin hood, good to see you.Everytime I wait for your updates.Thanks for sharing once again.

That bond buying is epic for sure and of course the market is responding. I love your new chart and am watching it closely as we might be approaching an inflection point. Thanks again for everything Greg, will definitely be paying it forward.

There goes that bond buying again!

Greg, you totally right and we did upvote and re air

We will probably have one more big rally and that might be it.

Greg, Thanks again for all you do. The bond buying indeed is dramatic with 30 Yeard Bonds auction this afternoon. Staying long until you charts say otherwide upvoted and resteemed