The Presidents Clandestine Plan To End The Fed. #ThereISNOPLAN By Gregory Mannarino

in #money6 years ago


It seems that some of you believe that this is "THE PLAN" for Trump to blame the Fed. for the meltdown that is coming, (and many have already known about for years), so he can END THE FED? Ok then. So why does The Pres. not just come out and say, "lets end The Fed?" Seriously? Why lie to the American people? You think he needs to implement a clandestine plan which includes outright lies? Really?



He does not say "Let's end the Fed" because there is no possibility to end the Fed without a huge meltdown caused by fear, uncertainty and doubt.
Or do you know a non-bumpy ad-hoc-solution / replacement for the Fed?

It's a Chest game going on Greg, not checkers...
You move(or in Trumps sake, say) things to make your opponent move to where you want.

Has trump got the bottle to pull that off? Cheers mike

excellent trading video,thanks @marketreport

The slim possibility of a plan being executed is about the only positive thing to hope for. Might be a huge underdog, but what other scenario is there to root for? Should we run him out & throw pence in there? U want killary or Barack back? The debt has to implode somehow, the bigger the bubble the boom

Excellent analysis with video description...Thanks a lot.