US Dollar Dives Again! And This Is Just The Beginning. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

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Today the US dollar plunged yet again after Janet Yellen's testimony following Jackson hole.

In what was supposed to be a highly anticipated speech coming from Janet Yellen regarding monetary policy, well, we got basically nothing with regard to her stance on monetary policy moving forward and this hit the dollar hard.

The US dollar is in a downward spiral for as far as the eye can see. So in simple terms, again as I have been talking about for months, get away from the dollar, seek dollar alternatives, because in my opinion the Federal Reserve is stuck-and has no choice but to continue to punish the dollar for the foreseeable future.


Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
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Yep, the dollar hit it's low for the year and just like you said, there's no bottom in site. We all will start seeing the ramifications of this showing up in our every day lives as the prices increase in goods and services.

That's why I'm in mostly metals and crypto

One day they will let the metals run free.

On day, and that day will be soon, the manipulation won't work anymore.

I should be able to take the PM stocks to new 52 week lows starting sometime today. You going to be ready tooooo >>> "buy the pullback!" No wait, you will reply >>> "I only buy "physical."...not realizing that physical will only do what "paper" tells it to do. :-0

I hope your words are true and this day won't be too long in the future.

Janet Yellen's testimony anything new?

The USA Silver Eagle Dollar is safe.

Isn't that the same as all of Janet Yellen's speeches? A lot of words and little to no substance.

Same as all of Greg's speeches for sure, the new video he just posted I mean. :-) Lot's of the same rhetoric but now, since he doesn't even have enough "confidence" in his calls to post his trades any longer...what are you getting for $2 besides >>> Not much. :-) Well, definitely no "proof"that he is ripping anyone's face off like those who actually followed him into his trades (luckily, nobody stepped up) got their faces bloodied and scarred. Would anyone like to argue this point? I didn't think so. :-) You are welcome to chime in, Greg. Why exactly did you stop posting trades pray tell?

Greg you hit this one out of the park and we did upote and restten it too

Did he? Dollar ETF >>> UUP now trading at 24.05 so log in that numba and then let's see how right Greg was in a matter of 2 weeks.

Comments on the S&P500?

I just got back into a SPY long after generating a "close to" 200% one day gain on SPY 245 strike calls for today's expiry that I posted the trade "live!" (as I am the only one with the balls to post trades live) yesterday on my new UVXY options trade blog. This time I went with SPY 244.50 calls. Once UVXY breaks below 29.77 I would "suggest" you exit ANY long positions you are holding.

Thanks!! ^^

I hope you are not long any gold stocks either. "Look out belooooooow!" starting "maybe" today. I will post my personal GDX short and DUST long (and strong!) here at steemit when the Ty Ming is about as perfect as anyone here on planet errrph can possibly time it. :-)

seriously joe for every 1 100% gainer you get you have 3 100% losers. So really who gives a fark what you trade?

2 day event? LMFAO! 2015 2016 2017 maybe 2018????

yikes dollar getting killed

Those holding onto Paper and Digital fiat Dollars when the Switch is Flipped, will more than likely be able to redeem them for a penny per fiat dollar...

Yellen's speech was a big nothing - burger. . . nothing new.
SO, the DOW shoots higher and the dollar down . . .
Let's see what ECB Pres Draghi says at 3pm. Another statement of nothing will send DOW back over 22K to the delight of mainstream media.

So happy to see you're sticking with Steemit. I know YouTube and Facebook have been not so great for you lately. I personally am about to ditch them soon too. Thanks for introducing me to Steemit, it's been amazing. Keep up the great work Greg!