(VIDEO) Dollar Alternatives Under Attack, Bond Market Continues To Bleed. By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

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In the video below, I go cover the onslaught against the paper derivatives of gold and silver in today's trade. I also discuss how a short term bounce higher in the stock market is likely, and why.

Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
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Great video Greg thank you . Do you ever trade on Bitrex ? would love to see a live stream :-) it looks simple to trade but what to look for is the question , The swings are breathtaking i am sure if you play that right there is a lot of bitcoin to be made any thoughts or tips .

Buy silver - "the most undervalued asset in the world" and "become your own Central Bank"! I love, when you say that, cause it´s so true :-)

buy now huge metals order is in the wings will drive up prices. ty greg

with g20 going on the prices will fall

Another buying opportunity for real silver. I keep my long term strategy!

Did I not say last week this was going to happen with silver.

Wait to you see Silver plunge 60% down to $6.60oz because of the paper silver dump.

Sunshine up the ass? good one Gregory.

I think the Bankers are printing Ripple out of thin air to buy other crypto's to inflate them into a bubble.


My local coin shop, in very busy area, was sold out of junk silver, common .999s, generics silver rounds, 90% etc... everything. Should have got it yesterday, at slightly higher price. At these prices, get it when you can.

the out right thievery is laughable.

YEAH that is a very good post and very truthful

Interesting times. Thank Greg.