(VIDEO) IMPORTANT UPDATES: The Fed. Stocks, Crude, Gold, Silver, MORE! By Gregory Mannarino
Once again we hear from yet another federal reserve president who has no clue, and in the video below I outline clearly what this (FILL IN THE BLANK) is saying.
I also talk about crude, gold, silver, MORE!
Gregory Mannarino
Appreciate your wise words and keeping us informed. Charlie and the rest of the Fed give us a false reality. The Fed should have been outlawed years ago.. But our puppet government does not have the balls to take them out. They are not subservient to our puppet government. You could do a much better job Greg. DO WE REALLY NEED THE FED???????
Our government sold us out a long time ago, the FED owns us. Revolution is the only way out and we the people are not prepared, but they are.
We never needed government in the first place. Kingdoms are meant to be ruled by Monarchy, not businessmen and politicians. But as the Bible says, the Devil and the demons are the dark powers behind each kingdom...so it's no wonder.
Its The Fed who needs the people - to rob them blind
Steem was down for me right now. But keep up the good work! Bullshit is bullshit... Let's be ready to capitalize on witchever side it goessss fkkk the system my friend :) When I become rich I'll come to Nevada and pay you a beer! It's my goal
As my old high school coach "Tex" used to say, "you can take a pile of excrement and put perfume on it, or even wrap it up nice...but its still a pile of excrement!!!"
This is so true!
Just a beer? Nevada has hookers too u know...
He has a wife and by then I wish I'll have one too ;)
Thanks for the video my friend, we just need to get rid of the FED. lets all go withdraw all of our money out of the banks, this will start the bubbles popping. Thanks for what you do my friend
Withdrawl is already happening, much better investment in cryptocurrency, art, or commodities like precious metals than in a savings account with a bank.
Of course, but everyone still has currency in the bank, you know to paybills and stuff
Correct, until more companies accept it then the change WILL occur, it is a matter of time. Look at BitPay and its Bitcoin Visa card 💳 I don't have one yet but am interested in learning more about it.
Count me in. Got me a Trezor for a wallet the other day. Gonna start easing in - dip my toe in the water. Time to put up or shut up. Like what I've heard about that Bitcoin Visa card.
Hi, My vote power is suddenly up. Anyone know why? Used to be only 4 cents
It has to do with HF-19. I went up from $0.00 to $0.01 on most votes yesterday.
Your lions thank you! ROAR!
All I can say about the Fed and Crude Oil is,

boy do I hate her stupid face... lol nice one
How I feel about the Fed? Once upon a time in America I could deposit my money in a bank and earn this thing called interest. The bank paid me money for allowing them to use my money. I got a solid slice of the pie, not great but 5-7% per year guaranteed. The stock market was for investments and companies had to pay me this thing called a dividend. The companies had to offer a dividend that had a greater rate of return than the banks because there were greater risks, so dividends often paid 8-12% per year. I got a piece of the action from a good business. Now thanks to the federal reserve, I do not get any interest on my money in the bank. Very few businesses pay a decent dividend. And best of all, somehow I am on the hook for all the risks taken by the banks and Wall Street and I get no piece of the action. This is not "Once Upon a Time in America." Thank you very much Federal Reserve. How is that for an opinion.
I remember that thing called interest. How did the Federal Reserve go about eliminating it and dividends. Could it be that there just are no safe investments anymore. It's a shame. And I remember thinking 5% was measly.
we also upvote everything you post
The US Federal Reserve Board are like vampires totally lacking self-reflection.
CNN gets it wrong more than the Fed...well, maybe call it a tie.