Make Your Money Work For You !

in #money7 years ago

Making your money work for you is not that hard if you follow some simple investment tips


How to set yourself on a better financial track

Improving your personal finances is a top goal for many individuals, and you may even have great dreams of being independently wealthy.

However, if you are like others, you also may feel as though it is challenging or even impossible to pull yourself up from your current position.

You may feel as though you are stuck in the same position regardless of the steps you take. While improving your financial position is not easy, it is possible.

Almost anyone can accomplish this goal, regardless of their income level.
By following a few easy investment tips, you can more easily accomplish the financial goals you have established for yourself.

3 investment tips to make your money work for you

  1. Improve your budget

Budgeting is one of the best financial steps you can take on a regular basis, but the unfortunate reality is that only one in three households regularly prepare a detailed budget.

At its most basic level, a budget list’s your income and expenses for the month. However, when you review your budget daily and reconcile it against your bank account balance, it tells you how much spending money you have available.

It ensures your bills are paid in a timely manner, prevents overspending, ensures savings and more.

If you do not have a budget, you should take time to prepare a detailed budget today. If you rarely look at your budget, you should start using this excellent financial tool to your advantage on a regular basis.


  1. Increase personal savings

If you are unhappy with your current savings activities, you are not alone. The personal savings rate in the United States is approximately 5.7 percent.

This is a stark figure that indicates that the average person is not adequately funding an emergency savings account or preparing for retirement.

Furthermore, there is a direct correlation between personal savings and debt. As savings balances increase, debt balances decline.

You can directly work on your financial betterment by improving your savings account balance on a regular basis
A smart idea is to set up an automated transfer of a small amount of money from your checking account to your savings account each payday.


  1. Invest wisely

This is one of the most important investment tips on this list. You can easily take numerous steps to free up additional money in your budget for savings and investments.

It is important to understand the difference between betterment vs wealth as that can help you with your success.

While savings is important, you should go a step further and invest your funds wisely.
Everyone needs a few hundred or thousand dollars or more in a savings account to access in times of need, but you also need to invest additional money in a stock market, CDs or other investments.

Investments generally earn a better rate of return than a savings account. Therefore, any additional money that you can save beyond your regular savings account balance should be allocated for investments with a great return.

With the effects of dividend reinvestment, compound interest and more, your money will truly work for you when you make wise investments.

Millennials and others can easily take advantage of online investment accounts to invest with ease. These online accounts give you immediate access to your money and self-control over your investment decisions.

Furthermore, many online brokerages allow you to open an account with a nominal amount of money. By taking this step, you will begin to see your personal level of wealth increase at a rather solid rate.


Being independently wealthy

The unfortunate reality is that people do not usually become independently wealthy overnight. It takes many long years and even decades of regular effort to see impressive results.

These are three of most important investment tips to follow when you are interested in improving your financial future.

Because time is on your side with your goal to achieve great financial security and wealth, it is important to begin following these steps as soon as possible.

Are you already following these investment tips? Do you know anything else that might be useful to others or worth-sharing? Leave your opinion in the comments below and let me know

"Risk It To Get The Biscuit"


Thanks to my father knowing how to buy a good mutual fund I invested wisely from the time I was eighteen to twenty-three. I saved as much as I could and put it all in this fund. I was brought up to feel like I was poor and I could be destitute at any moment, so I was a big saver. I had thirty-five grand socked away when I was twenty-four, but I looked at it like it was money I wasn't allowed to touch. Then I started touching it. A hundred here, three hundred there... When I was Twenty-eight I'd spent it all, and I didn't even enjoy it, it was little bits at a time. If I could go back in time and give myself one investment tip, it would be to invest when you are young, and DON'T take it out! Leave it until you're at least forty, or put a down payment on a house with some of it.

Amazing story because I can kinda relate when I was about 26 I had $25,000 in the bank and blew it in a year because I didn't make it work for me... Lesson learned