OneCoin Labelled Pyramid Scheme, Fined €2.6 Million in ItalysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #money7 years ago

i m against this coin as it is not transperant. it has a hidden agenda. its not listed in the open market, so how can it compare with bitcoin.

ruja is safe as she is legally enrolling people for the education package, with mlm schemes which are acctracting people to promote it. all those who promote onecoin is not educated of the nature and aspect of cryptocurrency. 725_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy8zODBlNWU5YzcwMzI1ZmIzNjE2ZDljMmM3ZTVlMGVkZS5wbmc=.jpg

i belive she is mining bitcoin with the money generated from selling educational package.
as far as my understanding a blockchain is an open ledger .

  1. why is oncecoin blockchain not an open legder?
  2. how can oncecoin state that it is the #1 cryptocurrency when it is not even listed in the open market with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies?
  3. that coin is not traded in any common exchanges
  4. deal sheker is also a by product of ruja where it accepts onecoin as part payment. it is only circulating with in the community. its not going to the outside market.
  5. which algorithm does onecoin deploy?
  6. is it a POS or POW coin?

any one who has the money power can buy Dr. before your name. i will address her as Ruja & NOT by Dr.
i feel pity for people who are falling for this type of so called currency where no value is bought to any body in the community.

ruja was already a victim of a fruad coin before she came up with oncecoin.

i hope all you steemians agree with me. correct me if im wrong.