Why the World Economy will collapse within the next 3 years
Hi all
Thousands of articles, books, posts, etc. have been published in favor or against the next financial/economic crash after 2008. Nobody can foresee the future, of course me neither. Nevertheless, I believe that our world economy at least will considerable decline (or even worse, collapse) - here is why in a nutshell (w/o going into details):
- Nearly all countries (corporations and private sector as well) of the world have huge debt accumulated (e.g. UK more than 500% of GDP) - with an accelerated speed within the last years
- Nearly all central banks of the world have enormously expanded the amount of money supply (aka as "Quantitative Easing") - also with an accelerated speed within the last years
- The growth rate of the world economy is comparatively very low compared to the rates of point 1. and 2.
- The wealth gap between the richest and the poorest within most of the so called developed world is increasing more and more - meaning the social problems are increasing
- The governments of most countries tend to become more radical (to the left or to the right) - meaning increasing tensions between neighbor countries
Put together, these facts mean a very unhealthy and not sustainable trend. Since real changes (better: reversions) for these points would need at least 4-5 years, I believe that there will be a big crash within the next 3 years.
Disclaimer: I pray that I will be wrong...
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