State Sanctioned Child Kidnapping- And Why Steemers Should Care

in #money8 years ago (edited)

@pierce-the-veil: Ever heard of the "Parens Patriae" doctrine? Literally translated it means "State as Parent".

Using this doctrine, judicious legal reasoning, and various laws on the books; public officials, statist sympathizers and, Justice System Lackeys are, participating in what amounts to "pay to play" child snatching extortion rackets using the threat of force, termination of rights, and simulation of legal process.

Whether it's hitting up low income parents with outrageously expensive orders, evaluation assignments, expert witness fees which are un-payable....

Or outright Kidnapping of the child using state CPS agencies and local police forces...
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It's ALL WRONG. ( I have seen some of these atrocities play out first hand, the mafia that is family court truly is demonic)
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If you or someone you love is preparing for family court or heading that direction, show them a few of these first:






Can you imagine how fast this would get shut down if fully exposed?
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Help us spread the word about family court criminal mafias and their lapdog scumbag public officials on the payroll.
Ultimately it will take a number of us to follow the money, identify key players, and dox them all over the internet.

I know there are plenty of WhiteHats on Steemit who are up to the task.
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Much Love and Have a Great Evening!



Also FYI the introduce yourself tag is not supposed to be used besides for an introduce your self post and whales will likely not UPvote posts with "inaccurate" tags.

Aha, i did have that pasted by accident. Thanks for catching. There has to be something done about this in Texas Especially

Yes the facts are all there to prove this. It is a very very dark and nasty truth. Many have tried to expose it yet little to nothing has actually been done and many people who have challenged it are dead.
I feel like there is little any one person can do. What can be done is people beginning to stop contributing to the machine by paying taxes in the MANY forms that they do. Also people need to learn the law and stop participating in the CPS and JUDICIAL scams. Because once you get in they take you for all you are worth.