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RE: The Bond Market Is Flashing A Warning, But Is Anyone Listening? By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Greg, I think with what we are seeing with the dollar getting weaker, cryptocurrency sky rocketing, metals begining to move in the right directions. The yeild curve is flatning. I believe this maybe the starting of a collapse. Stockmarket is all over the board. Something for sure feels unusual. Great article. Thanks for what you do.


I believe this is the greatest time to be alive. To get very wealthy.

There will diffently be a wealth transfer. I also belive it will involve silver, gold and cryptocurrency

Good to have a diverse portfolio.

There's one more hard asset that most people are over-looking... It's Common Coinage which I believe will increase 100 fold in buying power once the Federal Reserve (Debt) Notes collapse... Pocket Change...