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RE: (VIDEO) The Dollar Meltdown Continues: THIS Is What You Must Do NOW! By Gregory Mannarino

in #money8 years ago

Greg, I know a lot of people that need to call there doctor. I have a very hard time getting people to understand silver and gold. I now try to get them to understand bitcoin and they literally look at me like i am crazy. Bitcoin has diffently turned into a safe move. Thanks for the video. Have a great weekend.


I have talk to everybody and everybody look at me crazy talk about silver and gold and i just feel sorry for them that their brain is not capable to grasp a simple concept that gold and silver had being money for thousands of years and there purchasing power is maintain or increase in times to turmoil instead currency are nothing but toilet paper.

Not everyone is so easly convinced, especially when paper money is all that they have ever known. Trust me its a struggle to get people to understand. When you do finally get them convinced, there all in. Keep stacking my friend


I have been talking to several good friends over the past few years about silver & gold as Greg says "become your own central banker" but have stopped because if the system goes belly up they will be coming to me looking for real money. I talk to them now about crypto currencies instead, they don't understand them (even younger people) and won't even think to come to me for my bitcoin etc.

that's truth but i guess one of the reason they stop showing history in school is because all it talks about money wise was silver and gold till 1900 them paper took over and people started to decline by accepting paper as money and people forgot the real qualities of money PORTABLE, DIVISIBLE, DURABLE, FUNGIBLE

Your next step is to tell your friends about Pocket Change... That's right, Common Coinage... Feel free to read my Blogs on the Subject matter... @pocketechange

Mike Maloney is the man! Hidden secrects of money episodes really opened my eyes

Pocketechange if i could give you 100 up votes i would for being so persistent.

Thanks @raybrockman ... It's not easy getting through to some people... I can only imagine a lot of people kicking themselves for not taking me seriously... Thanks again... @pocketechange

The dollar will begin its 18 year cycle with a 9 year downturn period to the eurocurrencies as it always has done. This will probably be very bullish for precious metals.

Check out this post for more on the cycles of weakening US dollar and the current state of the dollar.

The next thing to get your friends to understand is Pocket Change... Feel free to go to my Blogs and read the ones pertaining to Common Coinage... @pocketechange

Oh I know the struggle about convincing friends and family about the metals. However I am proud to say that I have somehow managed convinced several of them!
