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RE: I have no choice but to be poor, in debt, etc. People here are talking about how they spend $20,000+ on this like it's nothing. Makes me sick.

in #money9 years ago (edited)

Many people who have spare cash to throw at something like that got it from gains they made investing smaller amounts in crypto. You don't need to have 20k to invest to make really good money. Someone who put 100 bucks in BTC in the early days would have between 10k~60k now. Someone who threw 100 bucks to Litecoin would have also around that much money. Someone who threw 100 bucks to Ethereum would have 10k if selling at peak and it could be much more waiting a few years (Ethereum ICO was like 2 years ago). And it goes on and on for every successful crypto project. People always come an whine that they are late in the game, but they don't realize they have the next big opportunity at arm length.

So instead of complaining and being bitter, why don't you take what you can afford to lose / invest and put it in some project you think has a high return potential? Think Steem is the new hot thing? Then put 100 bucks in Steem and wait a few years. If your bet turns out to be correct, you'll have these 20k and some more at that time. Actually, had you put 100 bucks in Steem like ... 3 weeks ago, you would now have 1500 bucks already.


CAn you give me detailed instructions about how I can take $100 credit, invest it here, and make as much as possible out of that initial investment. I am willing try to make that work, but this environment is new to me, and people will just say "invest, have a good attitude, etc." that's not helping me, tell me specifically step by step what to do with $100 credit I can't afford to spend on anything, and how to turn that into something. Thank you in advance for your time.