Do Ya Wanna Hear Something UTTERLY Crazy? Come On In, Grab A Coffee, Don't Forget Your Listenin' Hat... 🙉steemCreated with Sketch.

in #money5 years ago

Firstly... I Know what you are wondering...

What the hell is a listening hat???


I have no idea, my typing fingers work in much the same way as my mouth and brain, something occurs and I say it. You can imagine the trouble that has caused me over the years!

Anyway I am digressing already and we are not even thirty seconds in, let's get this back on track... You came after the promise of craziness and craziness you shall get.

As ever I shall start with a little background to add context ((and because nonsensical ramblings is my middle name... Actually it's Edward, but ya know what I mean, right?))

I have been sick of late. I know I know this is hardly a newsflash I have written about it a coupla times, but there is more than one kind of sick, right? So how exactly have I been sick? You may be currently thinking, after reading thus far that it is all in the head region, but that's not strictly true.

I have written a few times about the fact that I have been sick with regard to my physical health, this has had a slight knock-on that has caused a little sickness of the mental variety, this is not such a revelation I am sure we are all completely aware of the sometimes brittle correlation between the physical and the mental when one of them is not running at optimal capacity.

I am hurtling towards 50 faster than I could have ever anticipated over the last 47 years, I guess this plays a part.

These things have caused an unwelcome ((but perhaps necessary)) knock-on effect and I gotta be honest Dear Reader, this one has got me rattled. It is something that I have struggled with over the years but now it feels almost suffocating in it's sheer intensity.

I am SICK of work, of struggle, of the treadmill, of the expectation to throw away 50 or maybe even 60 years of my life trying to make ends meet.

No more! I'm done. I have mentally quit my job BUT as many of you are probably all too familiar with this feeling you will immediately see the crucial drawback... If I physically quit my income STOPS!!!


Not gradually, they won't say go follow your dream and we will incrementally reduce your wage by 5% per week and only remove it fully when ya get enough income together to support yourself and your family, "Good luck buddy..."

Nope that just isn't the way it happens in the real world, is it?

They will yank out that safety net from under me without a second's pause and I will be out on the street on my ass and left thinking...

What the hell have I done!

At this point I will need to go home to my lovely lady and explain the great news about my new found liberation... At this point she would glance briefly at the stack of unpaid bills and proceed out to the garden shed and return wielding a sledgehammer!!!

I joke of course ((slightly)) I love her wholeheartedly, we are best friends too BUT it is inevitable she is gonna worry, right?

I understand that, this is why I have thus far only mentally quit. Whilst I am hanging on to my monthly wage I will of course keep on doing the best job I can until I physically quit. I personally don't believe that you should give less than your best whilst accepting money from your employer, in many ways I have a very old fashioned work ethic.

The day I mentally quit, I resolved to make a plan, Oh boy did I make a plan!!!


I am going to give you some of the highlights here as I realise that a personal plan is seldom exciting to anybody other than the person who penned the plan... Although I have a secret wish that I can inspire you to do something similar if your circumstances are in any way shape or form similar to mine.

I am going to be sharing each aspect of my plan in great detail in upcoming posts with the intention of inspiring others who need more or who want to get out of the rat-race altogether.

But for today here are some of the crazy ambitious plans I have set for myself... I am fully aware that as you read them you may be thinking that, this is way too much for a year or two, Steven is gonna wind up disappointed!!!

I have however created a system whereby one stream of income leads to and actually feeds the next one in the process. It is also worth mentioning that I have one hell of a motivation to do so... Choice actually make that CHOICES plural.


I have never been interested in money and riches for their own sake, but to use the extra I accrue as a tool for personal freedom and also with a view of helping to lift others out of their situation too.

You see I wholeheartedly believe that is what money is... A tool It's a tool that could be used to create good or ill in the world.

Money is the root of all evil

Think of the places where we witness the highest levels of crime and people living devoid of hope, prospect or in many cases even dignity. They are often the places with the most financial scarcity so I guess it may be true to say that...

The lack of money is the root of all evil.

I don't think that is 100% true either, I don't think there is a one size fits all mentality of financial abundance or financial lack.

People use phrases like filthy rich or the rich are crooks or Those at the top have all the money and keep it for themselves Of course there is some truth in these statements, we can all cite stories about greedy millionaires who can never grab enough and bathe with their money but conversely we all know ordinary people whom we see in all areas of life who are for want of a better phrase... Jerks!

I once heard money described as a magnifying glass when a person comes into wealth it magnifies their morals, traits and exposes their ideals for all to see.


A person with a huge amount of money can do a whole lot of good and a bad person with the same sum could gain a powerful foothold in corrupt circles to further their own nefarious agendas.

This post is already growing at the same exponential rate as Warren Buffet's fortune from his latest stock acquisitions SO I am gonna give the most cursory outline of my crazy plan and elaborate on each method in my next post.

I have outlined what I deem to be a sensible plan to start an income stream in the following areas;

  • Starting an eBay business.
  • Using some of the profits from this into crypto investments.
  • Investing in dividend paying stocks and shares. This pays an income no matter if the market rises or falls.
  • Starting 2 separate YouTube channels for unrelated content.
  • Starting a top secret Fun business idea.
  • Buying 2 houses next year the one I live in and rent right now and one to rent to tenants.
  • Some other small online ventures each yielding small but reliable profits regularly.

I will be writing extensively on each of these ideas because I would love for others to gain further knowledge from the research I have undertaken and I have no problem with sharing the knowledge to help others live a better life with choices too. I am planning on giving away prizes to those who achieve results from using the strategies I suggest on one of the You Tube channels so look out for news on this and be sure to follow me if you wanna come along for the ride.

So how did I get from the despair at the top of this post to actually believing that I can make this happen??? In three words

  • MINDSET - Instead of dwelling in the sad state of affairs in which I found myself I decided to work on my mindset.
  • BELIEF - I needed to study in the time I wasn't at work and put that time and research to good use.
  • COMMITMENT - I have committed to my plan and the big vision so completely that I have complete, unshakable faith that I will take the necessary steps it is going to take to succeed.

I'm not saying it's gonna be easy I'm saying it's gonna be worth it!


Right now I realise that much of this sounds like a naive pipe-dream, but what's the alternative, really? Be happy with my lot in life and settle for mediocrity? Let me tell ya friends I have tried that approach... It stinks!

I have tried my hand at many side ventures over the years but I never made a solid plan in the way I have this time. I have always chased the large gains and ignored the boring predictable road to wealth but I have added a healthy dose of realism to my plan and ironically I feel that the way I have structured the timeline I may make much faster headway than I previously believed.

Wouldn't that be ironic?

  • Are you looking for a route to financial freedom with little money up front?
  • Do you need a little extra so you do not need to work over time at work?
  • Would you just like to make some extra disposable income on the side so that you and yours can have more leisure/fun time/ vacations?
  • Are you in a desperate financial situation and need to find a way out of it FAST!

I should point out that when I stated FAST above I don't mean there are guarantees of solving your situation fast but rather making a start on solving it. Like most things in life making the commitment is the first step, following a solid sound, sensible plan is the other ingredient necessary to begin.

I will also be producing some posts on sensible strategies to gradually lift yourself out of debt if that is where you find yourself today. I intend to write about saving money too, often this is the first step to getting out of debt.

If this appeals to you remember to follow me for updates on this ambitious project I will be detailing the steps I am taking and also posting updates once I have various stages underway.

I am working towards financial abundance but as always I will be ((and suggest you do too)) focusing on an abundance of love, joy and happiness... I know it sounds more than a tad trite and a little cliche but this is where true riches lie, I don't want to be the richest but loneliest, saddest man in the world.


Check back for more on my journey as I know the ride is gonna be EPIC! and like all great journey's it is best when shared with friends. 🙂 ❤️


I have mentally quit all my jobs long ago. Pretty fun if you don't count the time when I actually have to drag my physical body to work.

Starting a top secret Fun business idea.

I have this idea too! I hope we don't share the same idea. Have you any idea if we have the same... idea? How many times can I say the word idea without loosing the idea? I haven't the... faintest.

Excellent post - I can so relate to this - turning 50 in December. I will have to work forever unless I win the lotto hahaha. Unfortunately because of criminals we lost everything, so working is our daily income. Very thankful that we still have jobs in this economy of our country. Looking forward to more of your posts.

something occurs and I say it. You can imagine the trouble that has caused me over the years!

lol - I can relate ;)

As for you mentally quitting... THAT is the very first step and motivator! Once you have done that you will be amazed (as you have just proven to yourself) how quickly things start unfolding and presenting themselves to you... so congrats! I think you have some great ideas and if the quality of the writing on this post is any way of gauging what comes next in that facet of things - you will succeed with ease.

Moving away from the "rat race" and toward my own PERSONAL FULFILLMENT was something I did just over two years ago too and I will say this... you will never look back!

Wishing you ALL THE BEST and looking forward to all you have to share with us here along the way!

PS) Thanks to @anneke and her resteem which was how I got here :)

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Looking forward to reading more of your posts and seeing how the process unfolds.