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RE: How Good People Unwittingly Make "Deals With The Devil" - An occult Perception Of Money

in #money8 years ago

Totally agree. So many people say 'money is just energy', but what MANNER of energy is it? It is created through evil, for evil means, and is put into motion through an evil system which exploits, kills, and destroys. So it is energy, sure, but it is black energy and it should not be engaged. You can't shine very bright when you cloak yourself in darkness. Money is obsolete, a relic of a dark age, and it's high time we evolved beyond it.


The purpose of money is to be a medium of exchange to facilitate trade. It has a character similar to a tool. The psychology of the person surrounding the theme of money is a mental energy. The nature of the persons consciousness will determine the quality of that energy as to whether it is creative, destructive or simply spinning the wheel to maintain oneself. As Paul wrote in the New Testament the love of money, basically defined as avarice, is the root of evil. It's the avarice, considered one of the deadly sins, (an action capable of conveying death) that destroys and also how money is desired for hoarding, fame or power instead of creating abundance for all that is the energy of darkness that is contrary to life. Money can be used to assist in creating a better life too; it does not need to be applied in a negative manner. The responsibility of how it is used rests with the individual; not with the tool.

I will be interested to learn how you envision evolving beyond it. In seriousness, how would you suggest accomplishing that?

I agree that money and evil and very closely tied and that many people are 'making deals with the devil' without knowing it.

It is hard to change the system where taxation takes so much of people's money and for the majority there is not that much left. However we do have choice on how we spend that money and who we give it to. If people chose to spend their money with people who have integrity, caring about the environment, stopping pollution and creating natural and organic products then more and more of the circulating money would go to 'good intentioned people' over the evil ones.

This could, if done on a mass scale quite quickly have a big impact on those companies that are evil and out of integrity and needs doing quickly because the big companies are buying up the natural ones more and more.

People choosing truth and integrity over money and greed is what is needed. How that can happen on a mass global scale I don't know, but I'm hoping that it does and that Steemit and blockchain technology can help it to happen.