I Was Right About The Economy! What I Predicted That Has Come True!

in #money7 years ago


I've been watching this Bitcoin and Altcoin crash over the last couple of days. It is interesting the panic that ensues. It is fun watching the psychological impact and thinking during any market crash. You see it hit a floor of adoption and Euphoria, then reality sinks in and people start asking themselves why did I invest and suddenly no one else is buying in. The people and these are the usual suspects the general public acquired in at the top and now see no change, but they wanted quick money and no result. Then the people who made lost of money start cashing in on their gains and suddenly the panic selling of the buy high sell low people kicks in, and they do what they always do as they are uneducated and chasing making a quick buck.


I'm very relaxed. When it comes to playing the system against itself, we will soon start to see this in the multiple severely overvalued markets around the world as well.

Enough about the crypto crash. I predicted this in some of my latest interviews about Bitcoin that there will be significant price drops 10-70 or even 80%. And it happens as almost everyone investing follows technical trading. And when they do these price collapses are natural as they create a reinforced feedback loop. Don't worry though as the feedback loop will soon tell them to get back in again :)

What have I predicted throughout the years since I started to dive down the rabbit hole of money and finance?

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Lets start with my first book The End Of Freedom: How Our Monetary System Enslaves Us:

I predicted the failure of the Venezuelan State and the country ending up in hyperinflation.

I predicted that taxes would go up in Greece. That the further they borrowed money the bigger the government became and the more austerity it entails until it collapses.

I predicted that governments rather implemented Austerity than cutting their size.

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I predicted BailIns to come, and they have now been applied to several European Banks.

I predicted the rise of corporate fascism and the continuous move towards corporate monopolies as we have seen multiple gigantic mergers and acquisitions over the last years.

I predicted that we'd see more rich and more poor people and less middle class.

I predicted the rise of the SDR the IMF's answer to a new world reserve currency and it has come to light that they want to implement this.


I predicted further increase in global money supply and debt.

I predicted the British Real Estate Collapse.

I Predicted the Norwegian Real Estate Collapse.

and many more predictions that have not come true yet like:

Coming Stock market collapse worldwide that will be bigger than 2008.

The Collapse of Countries and Governments debt.

The global debt markets implode.

Currency resets worldwide.

Gold and Silver will win big when the above happens.

Australian Property Bubble.

Canada's economy to implode with their worlds highest debt load of its populace and real estate bubbles in Toronto and Vancouver.

Greece to declare bankruptcy.

The Eurozone to collapse.


The rise of nations to secede from other countries.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will take a big bite in the world's supply of currencies.

The potential for the FSB and the IMF to use the global currency reset to implement the SDR system.

I am not setting any dates as these things are certain to happen and if you set dates you are certain to be discredited if it doesn't happen at that time.


I've been hearing about the SDR as well...that is definitely going to be a bailout tool used in the future. Any good news on the horizon?

We live in interesting times.

hi @theeconomictruth, nice post. I upvoted and followed you. I will appreciate if you reciprocate.


It's mostly bears fighting bulls. Millions of dollars flowing in at a time. Millions of dollars flowing out (even low) at a time. MASSIVE bears are attempting to manipulate and suppress the Bitcoin market.

Couldn't agree more!

I HODL my crypto. I also buy on sales. Let the lemmings jump off cliffs. They give us bargains to scoop up.

Agreed. People get sucked in to leverage. This what causes the greatest "wealth destruction" and cause people to lose more money than they invested. I would like to see more people invest with having to borrow money. This way people can ride out, often manipulated crashes, have something to show for their savings and choose an exit that is to their advantage. Remember to diversify crypto, metals, some property if you can pay cash,

We are in for a massive transformation for sure - the whole stinking socio-economic setup, as it is, being flawed at the core. And we had better be prepared.

Decentralization in theory and cryptos in action alas constitute only one aspect of what is to be achieved.

Exciting times! God bless humanity and god bless crypto!