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RE: Painless Budgeting #1 – Save Thousands a Year with These Coffee Hacks!

in #money8 years ago

This coffee on the go/ coffee house culture is absolutely stunning to me. I never understood how people could continuously spend tons of money on buying coffee. Don't get me wrong, I'm from Finland and I need my morning coffee (if I'm not mistaken Finns drink on average most coffee per capita), so it isn't that I don't like coffee. It is just that I couldn't imagine spending even $2 a day on a cup of coffee.

I hate everything daily that costs me each time. Like lunch for example. There I make an exception, I don't like carrying lunch with me. I want a warm lunch each day so I sacrifice my income to afford the luxury of a warm meal during the day. Apart from that, I always calculate what is the cheapest. Here we can for example purchase public transport tickets for a longer period for cheaper, so going with a longer period ticket saves me money in comparison to buying a ticket each time. Many here buy monthly tickets because that is cheaper and it only costs tens of euros. But when one purchases more than a month, one saves more money. The reason many don't do that however is, that they think that a few hundred is a lot at a time. But if you save money that way, then why not?


I think people just don't realize how easy it is to make their favorite coffee at home. This is something that I would still do even if I had millions of dollars and it no longer made a substantial financial difference because I don't want to wait in line or sit in a coffee shop!

Thats true. Although I have the impression that some people go to coffee shops to sit there :) Dunno what that is about.