Monochrome Monday - The Breakers

The Vanderbilts


This tree sits outside the grounds of one of the summer "cottages" you can visit in Newport, Rhode Island. Its history behind the Vanderbilts, who found fortune in steamboats and later in the New York Central Railroads. You can click here to read more about the history and find out more information to visit one of these beautiful homes.

You can also see my other post here for other pictures I took around the grounds. It has a lot of history and it is so interesting to see. I can't wait to return and see other summer "cottages" around the area.

Thank you @old-guy-photos for initiating MonochromeMondays. Check out his posts here.

I hope you all have an awesome Monday!



simply nice black photo. Upvote))

Wicked shot, I love the contrast between the tree and the horizon. :) Upvoted.

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