Monopoly Millionaire Game " Maintaining The Product Value In Order To Continue Increase Through Circular Economy System "


Nice To Meet You Guys,,

Global consumption and economic growth have indeed experienced a significant decline amid COVID-19. But the reality is not that simple. Meanwhile, sales in certain fields decreased, such as:
- Sales Of Clothing,
- Hospital Expenses,
and improve in certain areas, such as:
- Office Equipment
- Sports Equipment,and
- Grocery Shopping Increased.

The decline in consumption will continue if there is no concerted effort towards long-term change. This happens because the level of buying from consumers is higher than the available stock of goods. So this is what causes the available goods to run out if there is no renewal and production process for these goods. The current global economy uses a “ Take-Make-Waste ” model where natural resources are taken, used and end up as waste. This inefficient model is very dangerous for our planet, exacerbating the climate crisis and depleting the resources we need to build a more just and prosperous society in the future. The description above is an explanation of the Circular Economy and the impact it will have on the universe, if allowed to continue.
Alright, All Readers,
What is the Relationship Between Monopoly Projects and Circular Economy?
But before continuing the core discussion about this project, it seems that " Monopoly" is indeed familiar to all of us.
So What Is Monopoly?
Monopoly In the game is a simple economy based board game. Monopoly is well known all over the world. And almost every country already understands about this game. And the goal of Monopoly Game is to dominate all the tiles on the board through buying, renting and exchanging properties in a simplified economic system. Here's an explanation of a little about the Monopoly Game. Because the Monopoly Game is a very well-known economic game, it provides an initiative for cryptocurrency entrepreneurs to create a Monopoly Platform that almost has the same concept, namely the Monopoly Millionaire Game. And to make it easy, I'll call the project
Monopoly Millionaire Game called MMG.


" Millionaire Monopoly Game
MMG has NFT finance and game box "

MONO TW1.jpg


What Is The Monopoly Millionaire Game Project And What Is The Relationship Between The Monopoly Project And The Circular Economy?

MMG is an investment and game-based project using the Circular Economy method where economic actors maintain and maintain the value of the product so that it can continue to increase both in value and benefit. And unlike the traditional linear Economy concept which uses a create, use, discard method. This shows that there is no effort to maintain the value of the products used so that they can continue to be used and benefit the wider community. And working transparently, MMG gives investors the opportunity and freedom to manage their assets without any intervention from the Platform owner. Because the MMG Platform only benefits from the costs of trading transactions carried out by traders and investors for the purpose of maintaining adequate liquidity and security when investing. Using the Circular Economy trading system, traders and investors can develop and manage The platform is based on deliberation conducted by members who are members of the MMG ecosystem. And users and investors can keep the Platform in order to continue to grow and have good value for the wider community. Why is that ? Because whether or not the MMG Platform develops depends on the community in it. Because the biggest strength of the MMG Platform lies in the strong community of users in it. Because in the MMG Platform there is no private sale, the Platform owner does not benefit from it. So if investors want to get MMG Tokens, they can get them in public sales, such as in swaps and where MMG Tokens are registered.

What are the Benefits of Using a Circular Economy?

- Users can keep the Platform in order to continue to develop better in the future,
- Building the Economy together with the community on the Platform,
- Creating and increasing income for the community within the MMG ecosystem,
- Bringing the MMG Platform together towards a better future.

So therefore, to create a Circular Economy, it takes hard work and cooperation between users on the MMG Platform. By building a strong ecosystem and supporting every opinion aimed at building a better Platform. In principle, the Circular Economy is based on the same goals and pleasures of each user to maintain the Platform and product value, namely the value of the MMG Token to remain stable and have a High value from time to time. Using the Circular Economy model is very profitable for the MMG token holders themselves in the long run.
Because along with the development of better MMG in the future, users will also increase to buy MMG Tokens. So this will be very profitable for MMG token owners.

What are the products of the Monopoly Millionaire Game?

- MMG Tokens,
Using the Circular Economy trading system, traders and investors can develop and manage The platform is based on deliberation conducted by members who are members of the MMG ecosystem. And users and investors can keep the Platform in order to continue to grow and have good value for the wider community. and through ownership of the MMG tokens that they have purchased can provide benefits, because the value of the Tokens continues to increase from time to time.
- Game Box,
Each user can earn additional income by playing the Monopoly game on the platform. And they have a chance to be rich if they play this game. And users can choose games according to their respective characters and tastes with one goal, namely to earn income and become a rich person from this game.
If you are curious about this game, you can try it...
" Good luck and become a millionaire "
- NFT Finance,
Besides users being able to own MMG tokens, they can also own NFT MMG which they can get on the Platform. By owning Nft MMG, every user has the right to earn additional income through the Staking program, which is specially held for NFT MMG owners. And interestingly, participants who take part in this Staking program can withdraw the profits they have earned in USDT. So don't ever miss this good opportunity..

Where Can We Get MMG Tokens?

Since MMG does not hold private sales, traders and investors can own MMG tokens only at:

  • pancakeswap
    And to get NFT from MMG, you can get it on the MMG platform itself, namely:
  • Website

Good luck and good luck my friend....

Short Conclusion about Monopoly game,

Monopoly is a legendary game. That is with rolls the dice in turns to move his pieces, and if he lands on a tile that is not owned by another player, he can buy the tile at the stated price. If the plot has been purchased by another player, he has to pay that player a fixed amount of rent. Apart from selling, this game also spread by word of mouth and local variations also began to develop.

Official Channel you can Visit about Monopoly Millionaire Game :

Article Writer : lemplong
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BSC add : 0xF3B30672E2729a61c0e77787a6df120eb83A9cb4