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RE: Monsanto Poisons Americans and American wheat being turned away . Breaking Story. PLEASE SHARE AND RESTEEM

in #monsanto8 years ago

This is what happens when corporations are permitted to put profits over safety. I live in the grain belt of Canada and have seen this trend expand to the point of incredulity.
Farms and farmers are no longer family-run operations; they are now corporations, themselves. Watching the harvest this year, I thought to myself: 'Are they gathering another year's wholesome bounty, or is this some sort of military attack?'
The sheer volume of chemical use and the massive machinery used to deliver it, sure makes one ponder if they regard the soil as simply a growing medium, or as a living thing? Its shocking how much residue is found in these products, your post reveals; but not surprising.
Thank you for posting this; its much needed public information.
My advice to everyone, is to do your own research; find out where the food you consume came from. Was it sprayed, or not and if so, what are the health affects? Small scale, local or giant corporation?
Best yet- grow as much of your own food, as you can.

Cheers all.