Wandering Monsters Table

in #monsters7 years ago

On a D10.

1 - Hobgoblin 1
2 - Hobgoblin 2
3 - Hobgoblin 3
4 - Ogre
5 - Troll
6 - Goblin
7 - Murphy
8 - Bus Stop Brigand
9 - Energy Leech
10 - Fucktard

Does it even matter, anymore?
What's worse than a wandering monster? When you know they're coming - a planned encounter.


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I work with energy leaches and fucktards everyday LOL. Have a great day :)

You're not the one sending them my way, are you?

Noooo LOL..though I would like to send them somewhere!!

Today's roll, 2D10 with a result of 1 and 2.

Gotta love a good Brigand!

You need to coin some new terms for me. You gave rise to the Hobgoblin!